Chapter 8: The thieves and the prisoner

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Matturse and his big group of necromancers gathered around the treehouses. After checking the sky and seeing that the coast is clear, he decided to speak.

"Okay, my friends. As you're all aware, the guardian angels are on our backs too at the moment. Therefore, I'm asking one of you to tell me what are the rules we need to follow.

Phantom has raised his hand and Matturse gave him the permission to talk.

"Do not make unnecessary noises, or sudden moves. Luke, guardian angels, or even ghouls can be anywhere right now"

"Excellent. You gotta keep moving very quietly, because if anyone that's against us sees you, we are dead. Sadly, I'll be absent once again, so I'm giving the leadership to Phantom. He'll be in charge for whatever you need and I expect you to treat him the same way you treat me, because we are a team"

Phantom was shocked while the other necromancers noded with slight smiles. Suddenly, one of them spoke.

"Wait, where are we going?"

"To the Pyromantic lair. You really need to protect yourselves with fire, since that's a ghoul's weakness" -Matt answered.

"Okay, is it far away from here?"

"Kind of, but in about two hours, you can make it. Here's the map and all the gold left from our catacomb"

The one eyed necromancer handed a map and a small full bag of gold to Phanton.

"That's all, I'm heading out. I got to put the baby in a safer zone. If anyone sees you and tries anything, just fire necroballs in the air. I'll try to catch up as soon as possible"

When Matturse walked away, he found his wife and asked her to give him the baby.

"No way, I'm coming with you"

"Miyuki, please. Not this argument again"

"Listen, Matt. I understand that you wanted to protect me the first time, when you left us to go back at the magic force island. But this time, it's different"

"How so?" -he asked.

"You will be holding our baby, and if you go alone, both your and our baby's lives are in greater risk. Let me come, please. You could use some help"

"You're right, honey. Of course I could. Let's go now, we will have to help them in case they encounter any of our enemies"

Miyuki noded and hopped on her husband's back, while Matturse was holding the baby.

"So, where are you taking us?"

"Somewhere safe for the baby"

"Can you be more specific? Just tell me where exactly we are going!" -his wife asked firmly.

"Sorry, there's a lot of stuff in my mind and thinking to be specific or not is the last thing I'm gonna focus on. Anyway, we're heading to Mercuria... it's a village nearby, I have a friend there, who's had my back at a few tough times" -Matturse explained.

"Wow, I guess the world really is small, as they say"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, honey. I had... someone there too. I'm not sure if I would call him a friend, since I actually still hated people. But after I escaped the psychopaths in Japan, he was my mentor... and taught me all the combat skills I know right now" -Miyuki told him.

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