Chapter 1: Deciding the leader

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Miyuki was next to Matturse's bed, desparately waiting for him to wake up. The other necromancers have gathered to the dining tables, serving food and sulfuric acid in every seat. Finally, the one eyed Matt woke up.

"Ah... where am I?" -Matturse said after yawning.

"Oh, Matt..."

Miyuki was finally relieved.

"My love! I'm so happy that you are alright!"

They hugged each other for a few seconds. Then, the moon mistress slowly pulled away, knowing she had to explain a lot of things.

"Did I kill Michelle? What is this place? How did we get here?"

Matt was full of questions.

"I don't know where to start. Yes, you drained her soul, but right when you took your deep sleep, you missed the rest. Helicopters came and took every single one of us. They said that they have put us separately into this catacombs" -Miyuki explained.

"Is that why I don't see Sharah, Greatsaw and anybody else around?"

"Yes, but I got to show you something else, come!" -she said, while helping him stand on his feet.

Almost immediately, he realised that they aren't alone.

"Where's that noise coming from?"

"Shush, don't talk and follow me"

Matturse felt something inside his pocket. He took it out and it was a small box, he opened it and there was a golden ring inside it and a letter. He opened it and it said 'Picked up a little extra something for you, propose already! Lots of love, Algenix'.

The one eyed necromancer quickly hid his friend's gift, and thankfully, Miyuki didn't notice anything.
They got into the dining room that was full of necromancers, Matturse stared at them in disbelief.
They turned their heads and smiled at him.

"Wow... this is indeed a huge surprise for me"

"I know, you should speak to them"

"I don't know what to say!" -he whispered to her.

"Just be the Matturse we all know. Most of them know who you are and they want you to lead them" -Miyuki said her encouraging words.

He stared at her for a couple of seconds and then he noded. He walked slowly towards his species and sat on the tallest chair, clearing his throat.

"My name is Matturse, and most of you already know my origin. For those who haven't heard of me before, I'm Zeerio's grandson"

He stopped for a while, taking a good look at everyone, who kept their eyes on him. Then he spoke again.

"But, what's the difference? I'm just another necromancer, like you. We are all equal. However, soldiers decided to lock all the supernatural people into this dungeons. They are accusing us for the world's destruction. We all know that they are wrong and when the time comes, we will prove them that we are innocent. The werewolves weren't the last threat, one day a new enemy will take the chance to attack. We necromancers will defeat it, and we will no longer be trapped in this dungeons with restricted freedom. For the sake of our kind, the other supernatural species and most of all, for the sake of the whole world. Do you want to follow me?" -Matturse asked lowdly.


The crowd cheered.

"Very well, you are free to eat and drink now" -he added, standing up from the tallest chair.

Leader of Necromancers (Sequel 2)Where stories live. Discover now