A Shared Pain.

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"So please just give me something for the pain 'cause my heart softens to your name and when you're gone I come undone... And when you're gone how come I'm weak?, And I walk wires and I pull teeth... And I'm so tired of chasing dreams I need someone to wake me up... I need someone to wake me up".

  At the end of the call, Leyna was grateful to be able to breathe like Wöller and not like Betzler, although she was both, she hated the idea of ​​starting over with a lie. Her performance as Bensberg's newcomer had been convincing, but she had to go to great lengths to appear natural when everything she saw was identical, but totally different from the Winden she knew ... "You don't exist in her world, remember"... She constantly reminded herself not to screw up in front of those she considered her friends, but that was the problem ... They weren't her friends, not yet at least.

  Another thing that was bothering her was the disappearance of Mikkel, she supposed someone would, but she never imagined that the smallest of the Nielsen was a victim of all this like Erik and her friend were. Just thinking about it destroyed her, she wanted to intervene, investigate as she had done before and try to solve the problem, but both adult versions had forbidden her to get involved in it.

  The only thing she could do now was get closer to Jonas, her equivalent in this world and, perhaps, her only and most vulnerable ally. The night before had been horrible for everyone, especially Kahnwald ... Seeing him there, frozen in the dark, made Wöller's heart stop completely. She understood, clearly she did, but she also understood that the boy's pain was hurting him too much, she wanted to help him, but she still didn't know how ... The only thing she really knew was that she should try.

  As soon as she felt ready to continue, the girl took a shower, got dressed, grabbed her backpack, and quickly left the hotel. On the way, the girl couldn't stop thinking about Mikkel's disappearance, "Why?" ... It was just the same as she thought when her friend disappeared, "Why?", "Why them?"... She thought she had the answer, but she wasn't sure ... Every time she thought she was close to something, it only got further and further away from her. However, the blonde girl couldn't keep thinking about it because she saw a fortunately familiar car near a trailer.

-Hi- Greeted Leyna as she got off her bike and approached Wöller.

-Hi, how are you? - Asked Torben worried when he saw her.

-Good as far as I can- Admitted the girl with some regret when she remembered what happened the night before. -I wanted to apologize for the other day, I was not in my best moment-

-Easy, there's no problem- Replied the policeman with a slight smile implying that everything was in order. -Remember, if you need something, do not hesitate to call-

-I will, thank you- The girl thanked him as she took her bicycle to return to her path, however, she still had a question and wanted to know the answer. -Can I ask you something?-

I'm With You (Jonas Kahnwald: Dark). {English}Where stories live. Discover now