《s e v e n》

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                DONGHYUCK was surprisingly really timid since they started their little study session and it made Hana feel really confused. Currently, she was busy holding herself from giving in to her severe thirst, she could easily snap in a second and he would no longer be sitting in front of her alive.

I guess he is a good student.. Hana thought, her eyes switching from the notebook to his concentrated face, she gulped when she saw his neck. "Are you even listening idiot?" Donghyuck grumbled at her, "I am."

"Then solve this."


"I know this yeah." She mumbled, she bit her lip nervously as he continued to stare at her expectantly. He was sure she didn't even know the first step of solving the equation. He serious face changed into an amused when he saw her glaring at the poor x and y.

"Why aren't you solving?"

"I am I am just wait. I can do this."

Hana played with the corner of the page, still not knowing how to answer. She did feel that the specific formula was there sitting at the back of her mind, waiting for her to remember it. She was too prideful to actually admit that she didn't know the question. She felt Donghyuck slowly leaned towards her trying to see the notebook she was hiding.

"You are literally just doodling and pretending to solve this."

He said, his voice vibrated near her ear making her grip the pen tightly, she gulped again. Too close too close she panicked in her mind, biting her tongue to control herself. "Just admit it Hana." He whispered cockily, his breath tickled her exposed neck making her eye twitch.

Out of control , she leaned back suddenly, grabbing his wrist tightly with one hand while the other was about to grab his neck but he was faster in grabbing it to protect himself. Donghyuck's heartbreak increased, he was looking at her wide eyed. He never expected her to be this aggressive, he didn't even tease her seriously just yet.

"W-What the hell are you doing?" He blurted out, he would normally make fun of her being this touchy but her expression made him fear her alittle. Hana gasped loudly when her clouded mind became clear again. She quickly let him go still shaken by her own antics. She looked around at the people that were giving them weird looks making her blush in embarrassment.

"I- I am sorry fuck." Her mind went into a frenzy, she couldn't form a proper sentence. She quickly stood up, she hurriedly grabbed her books and swung her bag on her shoulder. "Sorry sorry sorry." She mumbled before getting out of the cafè, tears threatening to fall. "No wait! Hana!" Donghyuck called after as he too got out of the cafè but she was no where to be seen.

He let out the breath he didn't realise he was holding. He cleared his throat to calm himself, he didn't know what to think about this situation. For the first time in a while, he actually felt worried about her. He clicked his tongue when he remembered he still had to pay for the cheesecake and coffee.

He went inside the cafè, internally melting due to embarrasment as the people still gave him awkward stares. He went to their table, he narrowed his eyes at Hana's untouched cheesecake. She didnt even eat anything yet I still have to freaking pay he thought.

His attention got caught by the abandoned calculator on the table. He sighed before grabbing it and going to the counter to pay and left as soon as possible because due to Hana's unusual temper, he was sure he wouldn't be able to come back to the cafè without wanting to dig his own grave.

"Why did you do that?" He mumbled as he made his way back to his own house which wasn't quite far from there, her calculator still in his hand.


I feel the secondhand embarrasment.

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