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The clacking of heels echoed the halls, while whispers bounced the walls and eyes that watched the silhouette staggered forward.

Lilith brought her hand towards a cane leaning on the side of the hall, grasping with her fingers till her knuckles lost color and pressed forward.

The shadow shoves though the double sided doors at the end of the hall. The limp body twitched as the shadow hobbles closer.

Lilith looks around the room decorated with velvet drapes, tied with fringed rope and in the center back a stage with one jewel embedded throne. That worthless throne. "Lilith, of course." says the spiritless form, laying in front of the throne. The shadow bends slowly, cloth covered knees to the still marble floor.

As the shadow grasped the cloak that hung on her shoulders and slipped the hood off. "Look at me." The body proceeded to stay still, minutes pass by before the shadow tugs at the tips of his scalp. "Look at me, Silo." She says shakily.

The limp figure grabs her hand and the other, pushing off the cold marble. Her eyes meet with his, as his face is painted with regret. Her once porcelain features are darkened and colorless. "Why, Silo?" She wavers. "Why?" His eyes shade themselves, looking down.

"You know why, we'r- " he starts.
"No! Why?" She yells. Startled by her echoing outburst, he looks at her sparkling eyes, seeing the raw emotion of her pierced heart. She begins to lay her back on the leg of the golden throne, as shiny rivers travel to her chin. Dripping crystals. He thought. She wipes her tears on her sleeves, looking down towards her tarnished dress.

"Fear. I did it out of fear." Silo says collectedly, glancing at Lilith.

Lilith glances at Silo before bellowing. "What, in the name of the lord... has become of us, Silo?"

:)ria aio

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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