Chapter 3: song of a broken soul part 1

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Oikawa pov
"come on already, I told you to stay with me, dumbass and I'm here to save you", I nod and walks to his house with him.

I was pretty happy staying with my best friend (though, he had to remind me a lot). But, once outside, I hate it. Everyone, stares at me, whisper stuff about me. I wish I just died.

School, dragged like always, the only thing that I enjoyed was lunch with Iwa-Chan and going home with him.

Today was even shittier then the others. Iwa-Chan, had to gone to talk to the team about something, so I sat down on the rooftop alone. Well, not alone. A group of boys, standing around, when they saw me, they came over to me, the leader; a blonde hair boy; sat next to me. He wrapped an arm around me, "what's up your highness? Where is your boyfriend?~"

"He's not my boyfriend and he will be here soon, so shove off and leave me alone, asshole", I pulled out my lunch and starts eating, which was then taken off me and dumped on my head, "YOU SHOULD LEARN SOME MANNERS!" I look at him and growls, "so should you, now fuck-", the boy grabbed and threw me down, before beating me up, along with the others, "I hope this teaches you a lesson, your highness", he left with the others.

Then came practice, still the same bore, no one talks to me, but not like I care, they are focus on the practice. Then it was home time, me and Izaiumi, walked home, he tried to talk to me, but  I wasn't listening and was silent. When we got home, I ran to my room, slammed the door shut and broke down crying.

Iwaizumi x Oikawa (you can be king again)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant