Chapter twelve

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Knight looked at Thompson at his desk working on a case file. The whole department was going ape shit trying to find Train and Drama. People were disappearing, being killed in police custody and some were reappearing in front of steps or in back of trunks. Knight knew Detective Kingsley was giving the Sexy K case since he was the one that interviewed him along with Detective Adams.

Kingsley was still at the church site collecting any evidence he got. Without Adams, he was looking for outside help from other detectives such as Stout who was out in the field with him. Thompson wasn’t involved with any of the cases dealing with Drama or Train since the incident with Knight.

Detective McCarthy was following up on the case with the dead stripper found in the back of Drama’s car. McCarty had requested Thompson to follow up with a look at the lady stripper’s apartment.

Thompson had gone, seen another dead body and called it in. Now Thompson was back at his desk filing his report. Street looked at the determination on the young detective’s face. This had been a rough week.

Street tapped his pocket relieved that the tape he made convicting Train was en route to a popular News station. Sad news was the men he sent to apprehend Train dead in the process causing a seven car pile-up on a major highway. And of course Train was up in the wind.

Drama was also MIA after a short shootout with two patrol officers that rolled up on the scene just as Drama was making his mistake. The stripper in the back seat was a nice touch even though Street’s brother wasn’t too pleased. Then the person Thompson found out at the lady’s house was also a worker of Larenz didn’t sit well with Street either.

All of this was going on and nobody in the department had a clue Street had any part of anything. The two officers that died in the name of trying to frame Train hurt Street a little. He hated to kill good cops but it was for the greater good, in his mind at least.

All the other detectives had something to gain and prove with these two men. Thompson was only concerned about the case and that is why Street needed him. Those other detectives would fuck up because they would be so eager to see Train and Drama go down, they wouldn’t think straight. He needed someone to keep their head in the game.

Street walked over to Thompson’s desk and pulled up a vacant chair from the next desk. He placed it in front of Thompson’s desk and sat down.

“Can’t talk now, I’m busy,” Thompson said typing something on his computer.

“Knight called you?” Street asked.

“Yes, and he told me to expect you,” Thompson said glancing at Street for a second. “And I told him to tell you that I’m busy.”

“It’s about unfinished business,” Street said.

“Look, I don’t care,” Thompson said. “This whole city is crying out for blood. Anybody that wants to go in front of this hurricane, then be my guest. It won’t be me. They took away two good cops’ badges. Not to mention all the chaos that has been created in the last couple of weeks. I wish I never heard of the name Drama or Train. It is tainted.”

Street nodded. “I agree.”

Thompson stopped typing. “I mean they get cops’ badges, get cops murder and they are still loose on the street.”

Street nodded. “I agree again.”

“Then do something and stop coming to me,” Thompson said. ‘I got a dead body that may have something to do with this Drama fellow and if it does, out of conflict of interest, I’m going to have to hand it in to someone else. Meanwhile I got to do all the legwork to get it done.”

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