Just Quit Pt. 2

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It had been weeks since the last time you had spoken to Bakugou. Well technically not true, more like an actual conversation. Most of the time your interactions involved mumbling and grunts. You had refused to get close to him while you were sleeping, managing to put your body pillow in between the two of you so there would be no contact. The house that was usually filled with laughter was incredibly quiet now. You had requested or offered to cover with others for more shifts at the hospital so that you were rarely home, and if you were, it was either when Bakugou was working, or already asleep.

You missed him terribly. Your chest ached whenever he would leave without uttering a single word to you. But you were both too stubborn to apologize. At this point you had almost forgotten what your fight was about. This was probably the longest fight you guys have ever had.  For once you were actually in bed before Bakugou, easing yourself into a deep sleep. The extra shifts at the hospital were beginning to take its toll on you.

Bakugou sighed deeply as he settled into his side of the bed for the night. Today was particularly exhausting for him. He missed you like crazy. But he couldnt bring himself to apologize, after he had stormed out of the hospital he had immediately regretted his words and his actions. What you had said was true. He couldnt expect you to quit your job. You were saving lives too, it was your passion, your dream. And you were damn good at it too.

The fear and the anger he felt from you being attacked, and him not being there with you scared the shit out of him and he didnt want to experience that ever again. He hadnt meant for that conversation to escalate the way that it did. He hadnt meant to blurt out that you needed to quit your job. It was the fear talking. He fucked up and he knew that.

Bakugou was lost in his thoughts until quiet whimpering brought him back to reality. It was coming from your side of the bed. He frowned and removed the pillow you had stuffed between them. You were having a nightmare, tossing and turning in your sleep. He could see the soft tear stains coating your cheeks, and without even thinking about it, he reached for you. Bakugou pulled you carefully into his arms, the tightness in his body seemed to melt away now that he was holding you and he began to relax. Having you back in his arms was literally like a dream come true.

His expression softened completely as the fear swept away from your face. The lines between your brows smoothing out, the soft frown on your lips easing into a gentle part. You both refused to look at one another during your fight, so he took this moment to take in your beauty. He noticed the dark circles under your eyes and couldnt help but frown. You needed rest. Bakugou couldnt help but blame himself for it all. You sighed softly, scooting closer to him, burying your face into his chest. "Tsuki" you whispered "I'm here baby, it's okay" sighing into his chest "I'm sorry" you spoke. He peered down at you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "It's alright, we'll talk about it tomorrow" he whispered, pulling you onto his chest as he started to fall asleep. He would make things right, he missed you too fucking much for this to continue on, and he promised to never let a fight go on for this long ever again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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