eight. (pending war)

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   Her expression doesn't change after Harlo voices his concerns. Avoiding eye contact, Astoria hands Nova back the bottle of alcohol without a word and stiffly walks back to the centre of the village, her shoulders hunched and her arms crossed over her body.

As soon as she's out of ear shot, Nova and Harlo abruptly turn to each other, with Harlo breaking the silence. "What the hell was that about?"

   "Probably something I said." Nova shrugs, continuing to drink what's left of the alcohol.

   "No. She's been like that for a few days — in an off mood, like she knows something she's not telling us. She's fighting some sort of battle in her own mind," Harlo explains. By having Astoria as a hunting partner while Nova is village-bound, he's been able to see her change in attitude easier than Nova, but it's only now that he's starting to think it's something serious. "Anyway, how's what's-his-name?"

   "You mean Murphy?" Nova laughs with raised brows, and Harlo nods. "He's a character, I'll say that."

   "Have you told him about your past?"

   "Yeah, last night. He took it pretty well. He was surprised at first but thought it was badass a minute later. He told me about his past and I found out that we're more similar than I first thought. His father died trying to save him and his mother was an alcoholic, like mine was addicted to drugs. So, now, the Orphan Club has two members." Nova attempts to be enthusiastic about it, but Harlo gives her a sad smile. Is this what life has become? Celebrating having no parents? Or joking about incoming war?

   "Don't give me that look," she warns, but he shakes his head and holds his hands up in the surrender position.

   "What look?"

Nova sighs. "The look that says 'what has the state of the world come to?'. Am I right?"

   Harlo stays silent, an obvious sign that he's admitted defeat because he doesn't like to admit when someone knows him better than he knows himself. She scoots over to his side of the log, putting her arm around him in a comforting way, just like Murphy let her do the night before. "We'll be fine. Life has a weird way of working itself out. And, who knows? You might find a boyfriend or girlfriend out of it."

   Harlo smacks his palm to his forehead. Nova can't be serious for more than one minute, causing them both to burst out into laughter at how quick that conversation took a turn.

   "Don't doubt yourself too quickly. Even in war, you'd be able to find love, Harlo," Nova gushes, her hand on her heart with her eyes closed.

   "You're making me out to be some kind of man whore. I'm offended."

   She pats his back, jokingly trying to comfort him. "Hey, that's not a bad thing. Own it."

   "You know, you're one unique person."

   "I'll take that." She smiles warmly, nuzzling into Harlo's side as the fire continues to rage. As much as Nova has wanted approval from her village ever since she arrived, she's simply grateful for the little moments with those closest to her. At least she's not completely alone in all of this and she knows her friends have her back no matter what.

   Later that night, when Harlo has gone to his own tent and almost everyone is asleep or out of the village, Nova cautiously makes her way over to Astoria's tent, which is close to her own. Her small lamp is illuminating the fabric, signalling that she's still awake. As she approaches her friends tent, all Nova can hope for is a good response.

   She slightly lifts the flap of the entrance, only enough to peek inside and see Astoria perched on her bed, fiddling with a small bracelet.

"Ast? Can I come in?"

✓ | rarity. ( john murphy ) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz