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~It starts with something as simple as checking the calorie intake in a food item to having no calories for days.

It starts with something as simple as checking your weight once to checking it everyday

It starts with something as simple as avoiding one meal to avoiding food altogether

It starts with something as simple as eating satiating meals to starving YOURSELF!~
It is anorexia!


~Being a new Student in Seoul high was Hard enough But Being a fat chubby new Student in Seoul high was harder~


~Little did jimin know that slowly , meal by meal and day by day his everything would break apart and he would be left standing -alone , broken and unprotected! ~


~i was planning to diet not starve~


~i can surgically remove my fat ,yes but can YOU surgically replace your ugly personality?~

~what can I say , I hate maths but then again I love numbers!~


~black orbs that were like the night sky filled with stars. But instead of sparkling with beautiful constellations, they were filled with grey clouds as though he was done with life~


~i would choose hell over my imagination any day~


~ break ups hurt? try falling in love with someone who doesn't know you exist~


~would you stand up for me if I told you I was bullied? Would you make me feel beautiful if I told you I was insecure?~

Through Thick and Thin PREVIEWWhere stories live. Discover now