Chapter Fifty-One

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Chapter Fifty-One - Bastard


I stood in front of the werewolves.

"Tonight, we have one chance. One chance to restore what we lost. No do-overs. Tonight, we will march proudly into the fortress and make the rogues pay for their sins. Tonight, we will write a chapter in the history of the supernatural. A chapter of glory. We will come out on top. Tonight is the night everything will change for us. We may lose friends, families tonight, but no fear, as they will look down from heaven and smile proudly."

I saw a few stray tears roll down some wolves' eyes and smiled, "Whatever it takes."

They bowed in submission.


After Mark successfully picked the lock, it fell with a 'thud' and he got up. I pushed the door open and it made a creaking sound. Walking in, I looked around, making sure that the coasts were clear before entering.

"Split in groups of five and cover the grounds, don't kill anyone on sight unless necessary," I said over the earpiece and they agreed before moving into groups and spreading out.

Benjamin, Mark, and Dylan were with me. We cautiously walked down the stairs, not making any audible sounds whatsoever. At a sharp turn, I smelled a pack member of ours and told them to press their backs against the wall.

Pack member. You guys go, I got this. – Kara

But, Alpha, we can't leave you alone. – Benjamin

That's an order. Go, search for the victims or the enemies. – Kara

Yes, Alpha. – Benjamin, Mark, Dylan

They lingered a bit before moving away. I peered from the wall and saw the pack member walking forward. I waited until he came close enough to use my voice on him.

"Take me to my mates."

His eyes fogged over and turned around, walking down the hall of cells. I followed closely behind, my guard up and the command working. Everything was fine, it was just us, until I got distracted at a faint smell of Connor.

The command broke on accident and the pack member reacted quickly, throwing a knife in my direction. It impaled my stomach and I let out a small gasp.

"Take me to my mates."

His eyes fogged over again and he continued. I pulled out the knife and let the wound close and heal. Holding the flesh together with the cape, I followed the guy until we reached a cell.

"This is it, Alpha," he said and I slammed him to the wall, knocking him out. My wound had already healed as I walked to the lock on the door. I used a claw to break it and went in to see a terrifying scene.

Connor on his knees with his arms chained, shirtless so I could see all sorts of scars, burn marks, and bruises. Edward was at the side, puking like crazy in the corner and it almost made me want to gag. But, Jake was in the other corner curled up into a ball. I could see his trembling form and hear soft sobs coming from him.

Quickly, I went to Connor and his eyes slowly opened, his brown eyes filled with joy when he saw me.

"'s you...?"

"It's me, you'll be okay. I'll get you three out of here."

Ending the sentence, I broke the chains holding him up and he used his arms to break his fall, but it still hurt. He had no strength to even fight off a human, let alone be an Alpha. I broke his ankle cuffs before going to Edward.

"Edward, it's okay, I'm right here."

He finally stopped puking to turn his body and looked at me. I broke the cuffs but got slightly burnt from the silver. I helped him up and got him to Connor.

"Get to...Jacob...he's in a...bad shape..."

I let Connor lean on the vampire before rushing to Jake and knelt beside his figure. He wasn't hurt at all, physically. But they may have broken his mind as when I placed a hand on his bare shoulder, he flinched.

"Jake, it's Kara, it's me."

He turned around and his eyes fluttered open. I could tell they tortured him like crazy so I looked at the other two to know what happened. Edward sighed, "They...raped him...the females."

My heart broke into a million pieces. No one deserved that kind of torture and humiliation. I broke the cuffs that bind his limbs and he wrapped his arms around me, his tears staining my neck. I ran my hand up and down his back soothingly, "It's okay, we'll get out of here."

I helped him up and he kept his arms around me, scared that I'll disappear. I unhooked my cape and let Connor wear it. If he gets hurt once more, I don't think he'll survive.

"Come on, let's go."

Connor and Edward leaned on each other while Jake stayed with me. Walking through the hallway, I spoke through the earpiece, "Victims found. Get the enemies."

They responded and the four of us continued walking through the building. We entered a cafeteria that I knew led to the outside. So we walked across the room and through the doorway. It could only fit one person at a time so Connor went through first, then Edward, until Jake. But when I wanted to get through, a force pulled me behind and closed the door harshly, locking it.

My mates' eyes were all widened. I told them to go and they reluctantly agreed to run.

I turned around to meet the eyes of a bastard.

Francis fucking Galore.

Next chapter will be out on Sunday. Thank you for choosing to read NOBT. Please leave a vote and comment! It means a lot to me.

See you!


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