Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty - Trust Sprinkled on Lunch


"She's not responding, Alpha."

Connor slammed his fist on the wall, making a crack. I winced at the loud contact.

I've never seen him like this in my 19 years of living with him. Damn, having a mate can change you.

"Try again!" he growled at Jere. I went to the chief, "Contact all border guards on duty and ask if they saw her," he nodded and left.


"What?" he faced me and snapped.

"We're going to find her, I promise."

He slammed his hands on his desk, "This wouldn't happen if we didn't fight..."

He looked at me, "Go get her phone, Kara's."

"What're you going to do with it?"

"I just want to check."

I shook my head, "She wouldn't want you to go through her privacy."

"But she's not here, is she?! Go get her phone!"

He had to use his Alpha voice. Only current Alphas aren't affected by it, even the family gets affected. I lowered my head, "Yes, Alpha."

Then, I stepped out of his office and went to his room, their room.

Twin's gonna go crazy soon if Kara doesn't come home.

'I know. Where do you think she could be?'

I felt Daxter, my guardian wolf, and also Max's twin, shrugged and laid down. I arrived at their door and pushed it open. Both his and her scent were mixed, but hers is stronger since she's the Alpha of the Werewolves. I looked around, saw her phone, and picked it up. I exited the room and went back to his office.

"Here it is."

I placed it on his outstretched hand and he took it and unlocked it. I waited in front of his desk for him to finish when Jere mind linked.

Collin? - Jeremy

Yeah? - Collin

A south border guard said that she left with a vampire. - Jeremy

Alright, thank you. - Collin

I looked at Connor and he was pinching the bridge of his nose.

"She left with him," he placed the phone down.

"She'll come back. I promise you."

He sat on his chair and huffed, "Where's that dickhead?"

"He locked himself in his room."

He grinned half-heartedly, "Scaredy pup."

I sat in front of him, "Connor, you have to get yourself under control. If you continue to act this possessive, I can positively tell you, she won't choose you as her final mate."

He frowned, "Good point, brother."

"Just, wait for her to come back. I'm sure she will. She has two packs to attend to anyway."


I stayed in my room, trying my hardest to mind link Kara. She kept ignoring and breaking my connection.

Dude, stop.

Asher bugged me to stop.


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