The Secret Is Out

Start from the beginning

"my dump took long than I expected" tae whisper shouted as he scratched the back of his head, jimin sighed.

"this is why don't eat too much!" jimin whispered.

"sorry sorry" tae raised his hands in defeat and continued working.

Jimin sighed and he suddenly saw something on tae's neck, it looks like a bite or something. Jimin looked at tae suspiciously.

Jimin thought he'll just ask later so he continued on his work.


"dude what's that on your neck?" yoongi asked as he was about to touch it but jungkook slapped his hand away.

"dude don't touch it, it hurts alright, some fucking mosquito bit me" jungkook whisper shouted.

"that's on you, being careless" jungkook rolled his eyes.

"whatever" jungkook said continuing on his work while yoongi looked at him.

'he seems sus' yoongi thought as he'll just let it off for now. (ps: I play among us okay 😂)


The day goes on and jimin and yoongi started to get suspicious about tae and jungkook. They have been observing their actions for a few days and it's getting on their nerves.

Today is a test, a duel between slytherin and gryffindor. Mr snake chose jungkook from his house and Mr Oliver chose tae from his house.

The air is intense, everyone looked so eager to watch the two battle. The two stance as they waited the countdown, then jungkook is first to offense.

"everte statum!" tae flew back as he landed on the hard floor.

"rictusempra!" jungkook also flew back, landing on his butt. Jungkook didn't give up and stood back up.

A few spells later one suddenly got injured.

"expelliarmus!" jungkook flew really far and landed on his leg that got injured.

Everyone came up to him checking if jungkook is okay. Tae is really shocked, jimin came to his side, Patting his back.

"that's good tae! Take that bastard, right tae?" jimin spatted, tae seemed frozen.

"a-ah y-yeah! Take that b-bastard" jimin looked at him confused on why he's acting like that.

"something wrong?" jimin asked as tae nodded.

"O-of course I am! I'm shocked that happened!" tae seems kinda sus in jimin's eyes but he just let it be for now.


It's night time, Hobi yawned and stretched his arms as he walked through the hallways to go back to their house's dorm. He then heard talking and crying in the clinic.

He slowly picked in as he gasped when he saw who it was. Taehyung crying on jungkook. He tried his best not to make any sound.

"I-I'm s-sorry g-googie, I-I shouldn't h-have done t-that WAAHHHHH" Tae cried while jungkook comforted tae.

"it's alright baby, don't blame yourself, shhh" jungkook said.

'b-baby?!' hobi thought.

"I-I love you g-googie p-please don't L-leave me" jungkook chuckled as he wiped tae's tears.

"you know that I love you very much right? So stop crying, okay?" tae sniffed as he nodded. Jungkook then pe ked tae's forehead.

Hobi then started to panic. He then ran in a speed of light desperately want to tell jimin about it.

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