"Oh Maeve!" Amos cheered, pulling her into a hug.

"Hi, Mr. Diggory!" She laughed into his chest.

"Our boy, a champion! Can you believe it?!"

"I know," she looked down at Cedric who was talking to Krum and Fluer. "Im so proud of him" Cedric looked at his dad and Maeve looking down at him with smiles, he sent them a thumbs up.

"Remember!" He yelled up to her, "We'll run away!" She laughed and shook her head.

"and change our names!" She yelled back.

She felt someone brush her shoulder, and when she turned to look it was the Twins.

"What name would you change it to?" George laughed

"i don't know maybe, Fuge. Short for fugitive." She laughed

"You're always so literal with your names."

"I know, it's funny" she smiled

Dumbledore took to the field, "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the tai-wizard cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory..."

Maeve and Amos jumped up from their seat, "THAT'S MY BOY!" Maeve yelled

"And Mr Potter are tied for first position they will be the first to enter, then followed by Mr. Krum and Miss. Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter if at any point should a champion wish to withdraw from the task her or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Champions, gather round."

Cedric looked up, and of course his dad and Maeve were already smiling at him, clapping.

"Champions prepare yourselves!" Professor Moody called out.

"You better come back safe, Ced." Maeve whispered into her hands. Fred was the only one to hear her, so he pulled her in tighter to his side.

"He'll be okay. He's practically won every task." Fred whispered into her ear, she leaned her head against him. "I know."

The cannon went off and the contestants went it. Maeve's heart was racing, Amos grabbed her hand and they waited.

After a bit, Fleur and Krum came out of the maze but no Harry or Cedric.

"It's been age, where are they." Julia looked over at Maeve, who looked like she was holding her breath.

"I know." Maeve ran her hands through her hair.

"It's a big maze, I doubt the last task would be easier than the rest." George assured them.

Suddenly there was crack, and Harry appeared with Cedric. They had the Triwizard cup with them, as everyone began to cheer and the music began to play, Maeve's whole world came crashing down when she didn't see Cedric move. Not only was he not moving, Harry was sobbing.

"No." She let out a small sob.

Dumbledore ran over to the boys, "Harry! Harry! What happened?!"

"He's back, he's back. Voldemort's backs. He.. He killed Cedric!"

Maeve let out a scream, Julia collapsed on the benches sobbing into her hands. George ran to Julia holding her.

"Let me through! That's my son!" Amos screamed.

Before Fred could grab hold of Maeve, she was already running down the stands ending up next to Cedric's body. Her legs gave out and she fell onto her knees next to Amos, who was holding Cedrics head in his lap. She looked down at Cedric's hands and saw the the "X" he traced in the ground before the task.

Maeve's heart was breaking over and over again. Amos grabbed Maeve into his hold and two sobbed into each other's arms.

Fred ran down to her, a pain expression fell on his face when he saw Cedric. They had become very close over the year because of Maeve. He got down on his knees and grabbed Maeve's hand.

She let out another sob, that was now heard through the whole stadium. "Cedric!" She screamed, she fell to his chest, crying into it.

"Not yet, please Ced. We are suppose to run away together. Change our names, remember." She cried "You're supposed to be the cool uncle, please wake up Ced."

"My boy. My precious boy!" Amos cried out as he rocked back and forth holding Cedric's body. Amos was broken, Julia was broken, Maeve was broken. Fred pulled Maeve into his lap, rocking her back and forth. "Maeve breathe, baby please breathe." he whispered into her ear, kissing her gently to calm her. 

"We need to move his body." Dumbledore got down telling Amos, "We need to move your boy." Snape helped Amos up, as Fred pulled Maeve up. Amos grabbed Maeve's hand and they followed Cedric's body back to the castle.

Maeve and Amos sat in Dumbledore's office, waiting for Mrs. Diggory to arrive via floo. The two just sat on a couch, Amos leaning against Maeve shaking. He considered her his daughter, he loved his sons friendship with her. He and Cedric's mom always joked about them getting married. "Our boy." Amos sighed quietly.

After a few hours, Amos and Mrs Diggory left, Maeve was left in Dumbledore's office.

"Maeve?" Dumbledore stood on the other side of the office by his desk with the heads of the houses.

She thought that she had calmed down until the disbelief finally sank in, in a panic she tried to stand up, but fell to her knees letting out a scream. In her intense silence she somehow screamed with her whole body. The scream tore through the professors bodies like glass, it was the kind of scream that made your blood run cold. It was a scream from a broken girl. McGonagall ran up to the girl, grabbing the girl into her embrace, "I am so sorry Maeve." Eventually, Maeve passed out from exhaustion and ended up in the hospital wing for the night.

In the middle of the night, Julia snuck down to the infirmary and found herself slipping into Maeve's cot.


"Yeah, Jules."

"What do we do now."

"I don't know." The two cried as they held onto each other, eventually falling asleep in each others embrace. The once Trio, now was now a duo. A duo, of two heart broken girls.

Maeve didn't know how to react, she was finally dealing with her father's death, and now she felt like she was starting over again. She felt disengaged from everything, like her world became blurred. 

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