
We were eating lunch at the Max and couldn't stop seeing the disaster. Screech, Violet and the blonde interviewer who's constantly flirting with him. Especially in front of his girlfriend. From a far, Kelly overhears their conversation. She walked to our booth about what she heard. "I don't care what magazine she's from! She's flirting with Screech and right in front of Violet." She told us. I sipped my coke, sighing. "Believe me. Nobody knows what that pink Sharpay's up to." I agreed. Slater and Zack hid a chuckle. We watched him cut off Violet and gives his beret to the interviewer to wear. You gotta be kidding me. Violet got up and upsettingly left the cafe. He only focused on what Sharpay had to say. Kelly sighed sadly. "Poor Violet." She said. "Let's go see if she's ok." Jessie suggested. I crossed my arms. "I rather punch Sharpay and watch her squeal for help." I sassed. Lisa chuckled. "Relax, Bels. We should check on Violet." She told me. I shrugged. Kelly smiled a little. "I'm almost done. I'll catch up with you guys later." She added. I nodded as Zack slid off the booth so I can leave.
We went back to school alongside Slater.

In the girls bathroom, we noticed Violet facing her locker. Screech would never flirt with another girl and besides, Sharpay was too clingy. "Aww, look at her. She must be so depressed." Kelly said softly. "We're gonna need an extra box of tissues for this one." Jessie said. Lisa crossed her arms in disbelief. "And it's hard to believe anyone could be this sad about losing Screech." She said. I playfully rolled my eyes. Violet moved from her locker which shown 'Screech is a slime' written. She growled. "I am not sad! I am furious!" She said. We looked at each other in shock. Violet fake smiled. "My mother warned me not to go out with him! He'll break your heart, she said. But did I listen? No." She ranted. "Violet, calm down." I told her calmly. "Ohh! I most certainly will not! I've given him the best semester of my life!" She continued. Lisa smiled. "Violet, relax!" She repeated. She growled, rolling her eyes up. "And the way he treated me! Allison this, Allison that! Ugh." She said through gritted teeth. "Violet, it's not Screech's fault. Not completely! It's that reporter." Jessie told her. Kelly nodded in agreement. "Jessie's right, all Screech cared about was the article. That girl was coming on to him." She explained. I chuckled. "And the doofus didn't even realize it." I added. Violet looked at us confusedly. "Wait, you mean Sammy's not interested in her?" She asked. We nodded our heads no. She breathed a breath of relief and smiled. "Oh, Golly Goose! I've been such a fool!" She said, giggling. Kelly smiled. "Why don't you go find him and make up?" She asked. She smiled happily. "Oh, I will. You know it's so hard not to get jealous when you're dating such a high-risk hunk." She said and walked out. Excuse me? Are we talking about the same guy here? We looked at each other disgustedly.


School was done already. I texted William and asked how's his sister. She was getting better and he'll probably come back tomorrow. In my room, I watched Riverdale to take my thoughts off this odd day. Screech's got a reporter flirting with him, Violet's jealous and Zack didn't like getting dogged. Someone cleared their throat. I turned and saw him near my door. "What's up?" I asked. He crossed his arms and smiled. "You need to know this." He said. I waited for his answer until he explained everything.
That reporter was a spy from Valley to find ways to take down Screech before the chess championship. She took his lucky beret that helps him win. I smiled sadly. "Poor Screech." I said. He scoffed. "Why you feel bad? Me and Slater have an idea!" He said, smirking. I scoffed. "Doubt it. You'll probably fool him with a fake beret and he's all happy again." I said. His eyes widened. "How'd you know?" He asked. I smiled innocently. "It's a natural talent, brother." I sassed. He stuck his tongue at me and threw a pillow toward me. I growled, grabbing another. He fake gasped. "Uh oh!" He said, running out. I chased after him throughout the house. He jumped on the couch and I whacked him repeatedly. "Mom! She's trying to kill me!" He whined. "He hit me first!" I mocked. We used to always do this when we were younger. The time we had a pillow fight was during our cousins visit from Las Vegas. He playfully picked me up. No, I hated that part! "Zack, put me down!" I yelled. He laughed and flew me around the living room like an airplane. I kept punching his back but he didn't budge. "Will you put me down?" I asked. He flunked me on the couch and tickled me crazily. I broke off laughing.
"Stop! Stop! That t-tickles!" I laughed. Zack chuckled, getting off my body. I got off the couch. "One more thing." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?" He said. I whacked him in the face and took off running upstairs. "You're gonna get it!" He shouted and followed behind. I playfully screamed. We're an unusual family but we do love each other.

Bella Morris 💓(Saved By the Bell Season 3-5)💓Where stories live. Discover now