Jessie's Song

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We had school the next day and it's now lunchtime. Me, Zack, Screech and Jessie were at the Max. I was next to Jessie as she studies for the Geometry midterm coming up. Sometimes she thinks it'll be the end of the world if she fails the test. I'm not worried about it at all. Paola met everybody and befriended them. She's still at school while we're here for lunch. Zack was getting himself a drink. He sat next to Screech. I looked at Jessie who took a sip of coffee. She groaned softly in disgust. "Ugh, I hate coffee. Suzy, lend me another cup please." She said. The nice waiter nodded. I sighed and drank my soda. "Why you're drinking it?" Zack asked. "Why else she would, Zack?" Screech asked. He looked at him. "Use your head as a donut and dunk you in it." He joked. Screech looked at the cup in shock. "No way, my head would never fit in the cup." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I'm drinking coffee to stay awake. I've been up half the night studying Geometry and I still don't get it." Jessie told him. Suzy arrived and poured coffee in her cup. I groaned softly. "Jessie, you'll be fine. It's one midterm." I said. She sighed. "I wanna go to Stanford and there are people with straight As who get turned down." She said, pouring lot's of sugar in the cup. We watched her in shock. "What's in that coffee is hopeless." Screech added. Slater came and grabbed a seat in the middle. He smiled. "Hey guys, Bels! Cramming your pretty little head with Geometry?" He said. She raised an eyebrow. "Is there a sexist point to your question?" She sassed.
"Yeah, guys are great at math. It's a shame you weren't born a man." He said, sitting down. She sighed and smiled. "Yeah, it's a shame you weren't born one either." She said. I spit my drink out and laughed. Zack slightly chuckled at me. Slater low-key growled. "Bels, why side with her? I taught you how to ski." He asked. I fake smiled and nodded. "Yes but I get As and Bs in math." I said. Jessie chuckled and we high five.

Finally, Kelly and Lisa arrived and turned on a song in the stereo. "Hey guys! How's it going?" They greeted. I waved at them. "Hey Jessie listen, I'm so excited." Lisa said. "No no, I know you're excited but try to forget about me." Screech flirted. I giggled. Lisa rolled her eyes. "I'll pray for help." She said. "Jessie, put the books away. The test isn't until Friday." Kelly said. She slid her book aside.
Before I knew it, the girls began singing Jessie's favorite 90s song. "Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen. Tonight we'll put all our things aside, if anytime just show me some affection. We're going for all the pleasures tonight. See?" They sung and hugged her. Zack and Screech clapped for them. "You guys are great." Screech said. I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you know my dad's friend is a record producer. He's looking for girls who can play new kids on the block." Zack said. Slater snickered. "Yeah, the new chicks on the block." He joked. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Thank you, new pig in the booth." Jessie sassed. I shared a chuckle with Lisa. "You guys are terrific! I'll be your manager, we'll make a fortune." He continued.
I sighed. I swear, he gets too wild up when it comes to music, celebrities and fame...mostly money. Kelly scoffed. "Cmon, we were just fooling around." She said. Jessie and Lisa chatted in agreement. "I can just bring you to the recording company and you can sing for them." He said. Jessie sighed. "I don't have time and besides we just like singing in the locker room." She said. "Why don't we bring the producer to the girls's locker room?" Screech suggested. Ever heard of invasion of privacy? Never. "Why don't you go to the boys room and flush yourself off to China?" Lisa sassed.


Back to class, we were finished with another Geometry assignment. Mr. Dewey was handing out our graded papers. Thankfully, Paola was next to me. We shared smiles as he handed Zack his paper. "Mr. Morris, B+. I must congratulate you are the person who's sitting next to you." He said, referring to the nerd. He looked fake in shock. "Sir, I am shock." He said. "Lighten up, z person." He said. Paola giggled. He handed Kelly her paper. "Kelly, B+." He said and walked to my desk. He smirked. "Bella, A+." He said, giving me my worksheet. I smiled and took the paper. He continued to Lisa. "Lisa, B+." He told her. "Jessie, C." He said. She looked at hers in disbelief. "C? C?" She said, repeatedly in shock. The school bell rang. "Study hard. I'm off to tryouts for American Gladiators." He said, making a hulk pose. Man, our teachers are a little weird. Everyone began leaving the classroom. "See? I'll never get into Stanford." Jessie said. "Will you calm down? It's only a quiz." Kelly said. I nodded. "Yeah Jessie, you're psyching yourself out. One test isn't gonna put an end to your future." I said. "That's right, Jessie. You can kick-butt on the midterm. We gotta hurry or we'll be late to gym." Lisa said, leaving with Kelly. I grabbed my backpack and Paola got hers. "So, your dad's friend is a music producer?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah. Zack wants the girls to do a song and be a group." I told her. She chuckled. "Aren't you joining?" She asked.

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