The Aftermath

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This very fun weekend made Zack feel much better. Hopefully, he'll stay that way at school today. Everyone at Bayside knows about him and Kelly's breakup so he'll have attention he don't want. Paola made it official with Jack and people are talking too. It's obvious people will have opinions about anything. Kelly left a few voicemails and texts on my phone. All about how much she's sorry and hopes we can fix our friendship. I don't think she understands that she just dumped a really good guy for a some dude who's gonna get bored of her next month. The good part out of all this is Lisa's birthday. We rolled out of bed and got dressed. I went on my phone to my Snapchat account. Lisa snapped a few pics about her sixteenth birthday. I smiled and replied in the comment section; 'can't wait cutie! Happy 16th!🤗❤️🎂' Zack walked out of his room. "What are you doing?" He asked. I looked up and smirked. "Lisa posted snaps about her birthday party." I told him. He chuckled. I smiled. "Ready? If it's too much, you can always fake sick to stay here." I said. He nodded his head no. "I'm fine! Let's go!" He said. We came downstairs and ate breakfast Mom cooked. She noticed Zack's glum look. "What's wrong hon?" She asked. He only played with his pancake. I sighed and dumped my plate in the sink. "Breakup." I whispered in her ear. Mom looked at him in awe. "I'm sorry honey." She said. Zack looked up and sighed. "Thanks mom. I'm fine." He said. I rubbed his shoulder. "Cmon, let's hope today won't be dramatic." I said. He nodded and grabbed his backpack. Mom kissed our cheeks. "Have a good day! I love you." She said. "Love you too." We told her. With our keys, we honked the cars and got inside. Zack backed away as I drove out of the driveway.

Coming to school is too awkward now. Everyone shown acts of sympathy after morning period toward Zack. A few girls did toward me because of my fight with Kelly at the dance. We walked downstairs with the gang. I wrapped my arm around William's. Two patted Zack's shoulder and back in sympathy before walking off. He came to his locker to open it. "Hey preppy, how's it going?" Slater asked. "Yeah, are you ok?" Lisa asked. I sighed. "He'll be fine. Just leave him alone." I said. Zack raised an eyebrow. "What's the big deal? Am I supposed to be upset about something?" He asked. "Yeah I mean after Kelly dumped you the other night I'm surprised you even got out of bed." Screech added. Ugh, he needs to shut up. William restrained me from attacking him. "Well maybe you'll meet somebody at my sweet sixteen birthday party. Now remember you guys, it's this Saturday. Only five shopping days left." Lisa said. I playfully rolled my eyes and chuckled. Zack smiled a little. "Sounds excellent." He muttered. "Here's your invitation." Lisa said, handing him an envelope. She continued passing them to me, William and Slater before Screech. "Well, don't I get one?" Screech said. Lisa sighed and handed him one. "Well ok. But if you have a previous engagement, I understand in fact I'll pay for it." She told him. William rolled his eyes. "Classic Lisa." He muttered. I nodded in agreement. She smiled. "See you guys later!" She said. I waved as she left to hand more invitations to people. Slater patted Zack's shoulder. "You know Zack? Like my uncle Charlie used to say, women are like vines. If you fall off one, you can swing with another." He joked. I scoffed. "Seriously?" I said, chuckling. Jessie smirked. "You know you are not just a pig, you are a gorilla pig." She sassed. William chuckled. I smiled and patted Zack's arm. "Bro, you'll be fine." I assured. He scoffed. "Hey! Kelly is just another chick and now she's out of my life." He said. William nodded in agreement. "Aye, that's right." He agreed. Zack opened his locker which revealed wallpapers of Kelly. Oh man. This is gonna be an awkward day. He looked at us with embarrassment. "But she's not out of your locker." Screech said. Zack closed the locker and I smiled sadly. Today's gonna be awkward for me because me and Kelly's friendship is put to the test.


Me and William walked to class with Slater and Jessie. It wasn't long till I heard a familiar voice. "This will be a great chance for you guys to get to know Jeff." Kelly told Lisa. I fake coughed. "Eww, so eww." I whispered in William's ear. He playfully stuck his tongue out. "I think I'm gonna puke." He whispered. It sounded funny but I kept my giggles.
Lisa raised an eyebrow in shock. "Jeff?" She said. "It's ok if I bring him, isn't it?" Kelly asked. We continued walking till Jessie spoke. "She doesn't even care about what she did to Zack." She said. I huffed. "See! This is exactly what I meant!" I whispered/yelled. William squeezed my hand. "Yeah, now she expects us to hang out with that frat-boy babe stealer." Slater agreed. William smiled innocently. "More like a college idiot who will get bored of her in one month." He added. I nodded in agreement. Kelly walked up to us. She smiled. "Hey guys!" She said. Everyone fake smiled except me. "Hey Kelly! How's it going?" Jessie said. Kelly sighed sadly toward me. I rolled my eyes. "Bella, I forgot to say your costume was amazing." She told me. Jessie nudged my arm. I huffed and fake smiled. "Thanks Kelly." I said. She almost spoke till the bell rung. Phew! Thank god! I thankfully sat next to Lisa and William was behind me. Kelly sat with Screech behind her...including Zack in front of me. Ugh! You gotta be kidding me! I mentally face-palmed and groaned. This period better finish fast.
Zack walked pass me and sat in the middle. Kelly was on his right. Oh no. "Hey Zack." She simply said. He tried not to make eye contact. "Hey Kelly, nice jacket." He said, turning away. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Smooth." I whispered in his ear. Zack growled. "It's getting harder than it looks." He muttered in my ear. Our English teacher Ms. Jensen came with her briefcase. "Good morning class." She said. "Good morning, Ms. Jensen." We said in unison. She sighed. "I said good morning class. Didn't your parents teach you any manners?" She recalled. Oh yeah, forgot she has hearing problems. Screech raised his hand. "Ms. Jensen, I have a doctor's appointment today. May I leave class early?" He asked. She smiled sweetly. "Yes, your hair is curly." She responded. I exchanged confused glances with William. "Now let's get started. Today, we turn to the romantic poems of Mr. Baron Browning. So let's have Bayside's most loved couple recite the poem, Zack and Kelly if you please." She continued. Me and William's jaws dropped. I can't bare to watch because it'll start very badly. Jessie got up from her seat. "No no, I mean let me and Slater be in it instead." She said. I breathed a breath of relief. "Yeah, I'm sure it'll be better." I agreed. I shot my best glare toward Kelly. She sighed sadly. Ms. Jensen scoffed. "Oh Ms. Spano, don't be such a snag." She said. She handed them the papers and waited for their cue. I covered my face to not see the disaster in front of me. Zack began to read his part faster. "Mr. Morris, this is a love poem. This time recite it slower but with feeling." She said, smiling. Now the disaster begins. Zack sighed. "How do I love these, love you to the depth- he was cut off by Screech. "I'd want you to stop! I can't take it anymore!" He whined and ran out of the room. William smirked. "He must've had to go to the doctor bad." He joked. I chuckled and turned forward. Ms. Jensen shrugged. "Well it definitely moved Mr. Screech!" She added.

Bella Morris 💓(Saved By the Bell Season 3-5)💓Where stories live. Discover now