The Famous Belding Boys

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We're now in school and came to our lockers. History class was starting and our teacher Mr. Dickerson is weirdly nuts. You'll see once we grab our seats. I grabbed my notebook and folder. William smiled and waved. I chuckled and waved back. Kelly smiled. "This is too cute! My brother and best friend!" She squealed. I playfully rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Kelly, chill." I said. Lisa scoffed. "Chill? You guys are goals! If you marry William, Kelly will be your sister-in law." She said. Jessie rolled her eyes and smiled. "Cmon, wedding planner we got history." She said. I groaned. "Mr. Dickerson is the most insane teach ever." I muttered. Lisa sighed. "I know. Least you'll survive with us." She said. I chuckled. I followed behind as they walked in the classroom. Zack came beside me. I sighed. "Welcome to the class of misery." I whispered in his ear. He nodded in agreement. "I promise we'll be fine." He said. I laughed as we went to grab seats. I took one next to Zack with Lisa on my right. Screech sat in front of her. I'm sure that made her day not so good. I hid a chuckle. Mr. Dickerson walked in to his desk. Zack smiled rather nicely. "Good morning, Mr. Dickerson." He said. "Stop sucking up, it won't work!" He growled. We looked at each other weirdly. William came and quickly grabbed a seat in front of Slater. He saw me and smiled. I returned the gesture. "Tomorrow is our history midterm. Nobody has passed it in three years." Mr. Dickerson said, holding up three fingers. My stomach rumbled as if I'm about to throw up. I've passed tests but a test no one passed in three years? OMG. "This grade is important to me! I got to get an A!" Jessie complained. "Sir, can we at least review what's gonna be on the test?" Zack asked. I nodded in agreement. "Ok. Who shot Lincoln, Screech?" He asked, staring straight at him. "Wasn't me, sir!" Screech said, terrified. "John Wilkes Booth." Slater answered. "Where?" He asked. I smiled. "Ford Theater!" I said. "What year?" He asked. "1865!" Jessie answered. "Who's the President?" He asked. "President Johnson." William said. "Which Johnson?" He asked. "Magic Johnson!" Zack joked. Half of the class chuckled. "Back down loser, none of this is on the test!" Mr. Dickerson said. He let out a big villain laugh. We silently groaned. I huffed. Belding's voice was beginning to be heard from the speaker. "Morning class, this is your principal Mr. Belding speaking." He said. "What did I tell you about interrupting my class?" Mr. Dickerson growled. He threw a chalk eraser at the speaker. Wow, crazy as hell. "Class trip representatives, please report to my office immediately. Thank you." He continued. Most of us except Slater and Screech got up from our chairs. I'm apart of the committee apparently. Jessie told me I'm the kind of woman who speaks her mind. Well, she's not wrong. William mouthed 'love you' to me. I giggled as I left the classroom. Zack caught up beside me. Mr. Dickerson's laugh was heard once he did. I raised an eyebrow. "Like I said, weird." I said. He sighed. "Be happy we got away when we had the chance." He said. I'm more nervous about the test he'll give.

In Belding's office, we sat or stand in front of our principal as he discussed about the class trip. Zack and Kelly sat on only two chairs. I stood between Jessie and Lisa. "The school year for me is taking you on a class trip. Today we pick out our destination so let's hear your ideas." He said, sitting back in his chair. "I think we should visit the Hershey chocolate factory." A nerd named Milton said. I smiled at the thought of chocolate. It would be kinda cool! We can even taste chocolate while we're there. Zack fake smiled. "Fat chance, Milton." He said, padding his stomach. Lisa smiled. "Why don't we take a cruise to Hawaii?" She asked. I smiled widely. "That be really great! Or to Mykonos!" I said. "Lisa and Bella, we don't have enough money to take the whole class on a cruise." Belding told her. Aww, bummer. Zack shrugged. "Then just send me." He said, smiling. I fake laughed. "Can you shut it, Ken?" I asked. He stuck his tongue out. Kelly giggled. "We should do something significant. Let's pick out a nuclear power plant." Jessie suggested. I rolled my eyes. Sometimes Jessie think too much about the environment. "Why don't you save that for your honeymoon?" Me and Zack said sarcastically. Soon we began arguing. We stopped once Belding's voice was heard. "Please, please. This trip can be educational and fun at the same time." He said. "Then let's go to Las Vegas! Sir, we can study the Roman Empire at Cesar's palace." Zack said. I patted his shoulder. "Someday, bro." I whispered. He nodded. "Let's go to the Hostess museum! I heard they have a great ding dong exhibit!" Milton said, smiling. Will he stop thinking about chocolate? I sighed and crossed my arms. "You're a ding dong, Milton." Zack told him. Our argument restarted again, enough to end by Belding. "Hold it, hold it, Since we can't agree, I will pick a place I'm sure everyone will like." He said. I smiled. "That sounds fair, Mr. Belding." Jessie said. I nodded in agreement. "In the meantime, hit those books because if you don't pass your midterm there won't a class trip for any of you." He told us. We were excused out of his office.

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