my best friend's dad

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[ top: johnny + bottom: mark lee ]

SUMMARY: Mark develops a lusftful crush on his best friend Hyuck's dad, John. After countless nights of jerking off to wet dreams about the man, he eventually fucks him.


Mark moaned, whined and writhed as the older man pounded into his tight little hole. The low groans and grunts the hunky man was letting out went straight to Mark's cute little dick that had been deprived of touch all this while. Eyes brimmed with tears and cheeks dusted pink, the boy looked up to see his fantasy happening in real life. The image of his best friend flashed through his mind for a split second but biting his lip to swallow the guilt, he closed his eyes and let his body take over his mind.

[ 5 months ago..]

His best friend Hyuck had never taken Mark to his house before they started attending college. They spent most of their school life in the dorms thanks to the boarding school they attended. Once they graduated high school the two of them decided to attend the same university which happened to be near Hyuck's house.

Mark had seen Hyuck's family pictures but never really paid much attention to it. His mother passed away when Hyuck was five and he had heard tales of how Hyuck grew up with "the coolest dad ever". Although Mark had never met Hyuck's father in person he had a lot of respect for him. He had a faint memory of hearing his deep voice back in high school when Hyuck passed the phone over to Mark to wish his dad happy birthday out of blue. Other than that Mark had no connection or memory with the older man.

Upon Hyuck's constant pestering Mark had finally decided to visit his best friend's house and have a sleepover. He thought the day would be normal. Just a meeting with Hyuck's father, talk for a while, play with Hyuck and go to sleep.

Poor little Mark wasn't prepared for a tall handsome man in his early 40s to open the door as he awaited in front of Hyuck's house along with his best friend. Little did he know that his life was going to take a turn after that day.

"Dad!!" Hyuck almost jumped to hug his father as the older man laughed in a deep voice that sent chills down Mark's spine. "Hyuckie! My boy! I have missed you so much."

Mark stood at the entrance awkwardly as the father and son exchanged hugs and a small talk. As Mark stood there ogling at his best friend's father, a sharp set of eyes locked with his almost catching him off guard. "And who is this little boy over there?" The man asked, sending a fire inside Mark's body with mere words.

Hyuck's smile got brighter as he pulled Mark inside the house. "Dad! This is Mark. My best friend. He's here to have a sleepover!" Mark let Hyuck gush over him as he stood there fiddling with the hem of his shirt, unable to meet the taller's eyes. He knew the man's eyes were on him.

"Nice to finally meet you Mark! I have heard a lot about you from Hyuck. But might I say Hyuck never told me how cute you were" The older nonchalantly said extending his hand towards Mark. Hyuck rolled his eyes at his father and went inside first, leaving the other two.

Gulping down every single word Mark just heard, he shook hands with the man taking a mental note of how strong his grip was. It made Mark's heart beat faster and he wanted the earth to open up and swallow him as a whole. This is his best friend's dad, standing in front of him, and he feels like some high schooler going through a crush. He's in college now for goodness sake. But that doesn't stop how he feels.

"Nice to meet you, Mr Suh."

Mark visits Hyuck's house a lot more after that. He says he wants to hang out with Hyuck more but deep down only he knows the real reason why he had been visiting often. "Dinner's ready boys. Come eat." John shouts from the kitchen and the boys put down their controllers as they stroll towards the source of the sound.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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