Chapter 11

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Mina gently tosses her bag on the couch and quickly checks her phone. Her eyes widen seeing the several text messages and phone calls from Jimin. She curses under her breath and tries to call him but suddenly stops once she hears crying.

She looks around, "Nayeon? Are you crying?"

Nayeon doesn't reply and continues crying so Mina walks into the living room. She sees Nayeon on the couch with her face buried in her hands. Mina runs to her and says, "Nayeon, what's wrong? Did something happen? Why are you still awake?"

Nayeon looks up to Mina with teary eyes and suddenly hugs her. Mina is taken a back for a little bit but she relaxes and starts patting Nayeon in the back. Mina whispers in her soft voice, "Hey, relax. You have to talk to me, I can't help you if you don't tell me anything."

Nayeon sniffles and backs away she whispers, "I messed up. I really messed up." Mina tries to smile reassuringly and says, "Oh come on, it can't be that bad." Nayeon says, "I told Jungkook I like him."

Mina can't help but mutter, "What!?" Nayeon continues, "I-I like Jungkook, okay! I've been liking him since the trip at Busan. I thought that if I hid it enough that he won't notice and that the feelings would go away. But apparently, he did notice and he asked me about it today after I burnt his leg."

Mina tries to take in what she says and leans back. She says, "Wait, my brain is overheating right now. So you like Jungkook?"

Nayeon nods and Mina says, "And you've been trying to hide it since the Busan trip?"

She nods again and Mina says, "You also burned his leg?"

She nods and Mina asks, "So why are you crying?"

Nayeon says, "I told him about it! I thought that there was a chance he felt the same way too! Call me delusional but I thought it was possible he also had feelings for me." Mina asks carefully, "W-what did he say?"

Nayeon laughs bitterly, "He thought it was a joke. I should have expected it, we were never serious around each other so why would he think my confession was serious."

Mina stays quiet and breathes in and out. She whispers, "What are you going to do? You basically see and talk to him everyday. You two were inseparable so how are you going to show your face to him?" Nayeon whispers sarcastically, "Wow, thanks Mina I feel so much better now."

Mina replies, "Well, I can only see two options. You either avoid him or confront him about it." Nayeon asks, "Confront?" Mina says, "Well, yeah. Go to his face and say you like him. Tell him that you're dead serious and its not a joke."

Nayeon asks, "W-what if he rejects me?" Mina stays quiet and says, "You won't get anywhere in life if you only think about the what if's. I can tell you from experience that sometimes you need a leap of faith or a small push to do something. If I thought about the what if's my entire life then I wouldn't be in Korea right now."

Nayeon stays quiet still doubting herself as Mina says, "Nayeon, what's wrong with you?" Nayeon looks up and Mina says, "What happened to the confident Im Nayeon? Prettiest woman alive and most likeable person on earth. Why aren't you confident when you need to be the most?"

Nayeon sniffles again and wipes her tears. She says, "Mina, thank you. I-I'll try to do something before this gets out of hand." Mina smiles and says, "I'm gonna go shower and sleep now, my brain has been through a lot today."

"Oh, Mina?"

Mina hmms, "Hmm?" Nayeon asks, "Who was that guy who dropped you home? I was crying and all but I couldn't ignore the conversation you two had." Mina blushes, "Oh Wonwoo... he's a... friend."

Nayeon continues to clean up her face as she smiles, "Hey, I'm proud of you. I never thought you would make any friends." Mina says, "Thank you?"


Jimin lies on his bed with his face buried in his pillow. They're not dating, Jimin. He's just a nice man who dropped her home. You should be happy she came home safe. He's probably just a friend, you're on equal playing ground with him just play your cards right. Jimin, don't be discouraged.

ring ring

Jimin glances at his phone and sees Mina calling him. He doesn't know why but he just stares at her contact ID not knowing if he should answer it. After 12 rings, the phone call stops. But not even a second later, she calls again.

He quickly calms down and fixes his voice then answers.


Mina says a bit concerned, "Oh my god, you answered. Did I wake you up?" Jimin chuckles, "No, I was in the bathroom." Mina replies, "I'm so so so sorry I didn't answer my phone. I must've kept you up all night and you probably worried about me."

Jimin chuckles, "Y-yeah, I was worried." Mina says, "I'm so sorry! I was distracted and I completely forgot about my phone." He laughs, "Mina, calm down. I'm not angry or anything. If anything, I'm relieved and happy you're home."

Mina sighs in relief and Jimin asks, "So what distracted you? Did anything happen?" Mina gulps and says, "Oh... yeah I tried this new restaurant out." He asks, "Alone?"

Mina replies, "U-uhm... yeah I was alone."

Jimin's heart breaks as Mina lies to him. He chuckles, "Oh, was it good?" Mina hums, "Mhmm, we- I actually liked it a lot." He chuckles, "Well, thank you for calling and umm good night."


Jimin stays quiet and Mina says, "A-are you free tomorrow?" Jimin answers, "Umm, I have work- Wait, why?" Mina says slowly, "Well umm... the cafe closes on Fridays and I'm sort of ahead of schedule on my studying so... I was thinking of taking break days on Friday. But I forgot about your work."

Jimin suddenly smiles, "It's great you're actually taking breaks now! I was also worried about you overworking." Mina chuckles and says, "Well, ummm... I was thinking we go on a date."

Jimin's eyes widen, "Huh?" Mina says, "Well, you know. You, me, and Nayeon. We can go on a date." Jimin stutters, "N-nayeon?" She replies, "Y-yeah, she's sort of in a pickle right now."

Mina says quickly after, "B-but, you have work so maybe-"


Mina asks, "Huh?"

Jimin replies, "I don't work on Friday's." Mina says, "But I thought your day offs were on Wednesday's and Monday's."

Jimin says, "I changed them! I'm free umm.... Tuesday's and Friday's." Mina smiles, "Oh that's perfect, well... I'll call you tomorrow. Good night."

He smiles, "Sweet dreams."

Mina hangs up and Jimin springs from his bed. He quickly runs out and goes to Jungkook's room.

He walks in to see Jungkook staring at the wall confused. Jimin says, "It looks like you just saw a Leprechaun riding an anteater in the convenience store." Jungkook says, "What does that even mean?"

Jimin says, "It's confusing and sounds unrealistic. You looked confused and in disbelief as if you saw something you can't explain." Jungkook says, "Well... yeah." Jimin asks, "Do you want to talk about- Wait, that's not why I'm here."

Jungkook meets his eyes and Jimin goes on his knees. Jimin begs, "Please switch day offs with me! Please! Please!" Jungkook asks, "Why?" Jimin says, "Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!"

Jungkook says, "Okay, gosh. I really don't mind." Jimin springs up, "YES! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" He kisses Jungkook on the cheek and he stares at him in disbelief. Jimin scoffs and says, "Okay, way to reciprocate. I love you as a friend, don't misunderstand me Jungkook."

Jungkook nods, "Right, as a friend."

Deep in the Friendzone | [A Jimina and NayKook Story]Where stories live. Discover now