Chapter 11

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Haymich's point of view

Gale and Joanna arrived in District 12 yesterday. It was a bit of a shock for me when I saw them entering Peeta and Katniss' yesterday, but I suppose they have a good reason for being here as they are meant to be travelling around the districts.

Effie and Zoe are around mine at the moment. They tend to spend the majority of their time over here so I have the chance to bond with Zoe and me and Effie are starting to build our relationship too. Peeta has been helping me organise one of the spare bedrooms in to a room for Zoe, but her and Effie are still staying with Katniss and Peeta as my house isn't currently suitable for children.

We still haven't told any of the other about Zoe yet as it's going to come as quite a big shock and we are finding it hard to get the courage to tell them. It's not as if they will be annoyed with us its just we are worried they may get a tad dissapoited. The only problem is its getting harder and harder to hide Zoe, mainly due to the fact that so many people are going in and out of Katniss and Peeta's house. Therefore we decided we have to tell the others today.

TiMe LaPsE....

Katniss and Peeta are hosting a dinner in order to allow us to do the big reveal. I am helping them prepare the meal as there are going to be quite a few of us there. 

Currently I am setting the table as I am a disaster in the kitchen and will just make things worse. I have just placed the last glass when the doorbell rings. I hear Katniss shout to me to answer the door.

I look to see who it is and I am surprised to see that Joanna is the first to arrive. Usually she does things in her own time, not by anyone else's.  I greet her and take her to the living room. She is currently staying in Katniss' actual house with Gale so it does surprise me that they're not together.

Me and Joanna start talking about district 3 and Beetee. We still talk to him but no one is really that close to him as he gets too in to his work.  We were so busy talking that I didn't realise Annie and Fin arrived. This soon led to us cooing around Fin and just general chitchat with Annie. It turns out the reason Gale didn't arrive with Joanna is because Peeta asked him to go and pick some cakes up from the bakery for dessert. So its not long before we are just waiting on Effie and it's  not like her to stop following a schedule and be late.

Effie's point of view

I can't believe it, I am actually running late. I know I have let go of a lot of my Capitol habits but this is one I struggle with. I was ready and on time but then Zoe started screaming and I had to get her settled. Even though she is a year and a half old she would still rather scream than use the few words she knows.

After I finally get her settled I start to head towards Peeta and Katniss'. I decide to just carry her as it's not that far and it is just easier than using her pram. She is laying against me resting her head against my shoulder as we approach the door. I muster up some courage and knock. There is no going back now.

Katniss opens the door and invites me in. The moment I step through the door I can just smell Peeta's cooking. This also help to reassure me. Katniss leads me to the living room and steps inside. I quickly follow her and all conversation halts abruptly. They all just stand there staring at me for a while before Joanna finally says something

"So....Effie. are you going to explain or are we all just going to remain standing here waiting for it to rain pansy's?" At this point Haymich starts laughing and Katniss shoots him a stern look and he finally stops.

"Well everyone this is Zoe - Marie Trinket and she is one and a half years old. She was born during the rebellion as I was pregnant during the Quarter Quell. My parents kept us hidden in the Capitol before I came to 13 with some of the others just before the end of the rebellion. I didn't tell any of you before know because I didn't know how you would react. Anything else you want to know? " I finish finally letting out a sigh of relief die to the fact my biggest secret has finally been shared.

They all just sit there for a while comprehending everything they have just been told. Katniss comes over to comfort me as she understands how hard it is doing something so drastic. That's when Joanna asks the question they have probably all been thinking

"So, I hope you don't mind me asking" wow, Joanna is being surprisingly polite.  She must really be shocked " but who is her father?".

I was expecting this question to come up and me and Haymich had a long discussion about whether to share this bit of information with them yet or whether to keep it for a later date. I see Haymich looking at me is a supportive manner as I answer.

"Haymich. Haymich is Zoe's father."

At this remark everyone looks around at Haymich. I don't think I have ever seen him looked so embarrassed, not even when he drunkenly fell of the stage at Katniss and Peeta's reaping.

I set Zoe on the floor and sit down on one of the chairs. Everyone starts congratulating me and Haymich but I can tell they are not too sure what to think, so I just watch Zoe running about the living room. All of a sudden I hear a small 'yelp' and see Zoe hugging Annie's leg. I don't know what made her do this as she is normally reserved around people but maybe she knows Annie's motherly instincts.

Annie picks Zoe up and starts playing with her hair. I see Joanna lean and and start playing with Zoe too. I never pictured Joanna being that motherly but the way she with Zoe allready shows me there is a whole other side to her. It's at this point Peeta calls dinner.


So everyone knows.  This chapter was actually so difficult to write so I don't know what you think of it. Happy reading

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