Chapter 7

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[Dream's P.O.V]

I woke up to the bright sun shining through the window. I then remembered what I needed to do today. I immediately hopped out of bed and went to get ready. Once I was dressed I went downstairs to see Ink at the kitchen table.

 "I'm going to go out and do my job today!" I told him, already trying to walk out the door. He nodded and I left. I'll tell my brother what's going on first, then I'll go visit people in the multiverse.

I made a portal that went right outside of Nightmare's castle. I went up to the door and knocked. "Brother! Please let me in! I have to tell you something!" I pleaded from the outside.

I heard the door open and there stood Error, confused. "Wh@t's go¡ng 0n?" He asked me.

 "It's Ink! He, he.." I stopped for a moment, nervous.

 "Wha+ d!d h3 d°?" Error asked, already sounding angry.

 "He wants to kill you all! I tried to change his mind, but he won't listen to me!" I felt tears begin to form at the thought of them dying. Error stood there in shock.

He shook his head and headed get Nightmare. I stood there for a little, waiting for them to return. Error came back with Nightmare next to him.

 "What is going on?" Nightmare asked, suspicious.

 "It's Ink, he is planning to kill you guys!" I shouted, losing control of my emotions. Nightmare's turned and looked me in the eyes.

 "Dream, come inside and tell us everything." Nightmare ordered. I listened as he lead me into the living room. I sat down on the couch and waited.

 Error came back with the murder trio following him. They all say down and waited for me to explain.

*After explaining everything because I'm lazy*

 "So, the bastard decided to kill us all?" Dust asked, making sure he was right. I nodded, looking down at my lap.

 "Just please be careful, I don't want any of you getting hurt." I saw tears fall into my lap.

 "D0n't w°rry, w£ won'+ l€t h¡m hur÷ u$." Error said, putting his hand on mine and smiling. I felt my face heat up, but I took a quiet breath and smiled back at him.

 I left soon after that to do my job and then head back home.

[When He Got Home]

I quietly opened the door and stepped inside. I made it all the way to the staircase without any sign of Ink. That's when I felt someone grab my waist and pull me closer to them. I gasped in surprise and fear. I turned to see Ink smiling, with a lustful look on his face.

 "Hey baby, I'm j-just gonna go get changed and head to bed. It was a l-long day for me." I said, trying to convince him to let go. He missed my neck and let go, letting me leave. But I knew he was just gonna wait for me to come back out.

He touched me more than usual that night, but it never really got to serious.


What, were you expecting them to have sex? You dirty minded people.

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