Chapter 2

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Don't expect this to be good, it's really rushed.

 Alright, on to the story.

No One's P.O.V

 "U-Uhm, it's really n-nothing you need to worry about." I said, trying to get them to leave.

 "Dream, you are the guardian of positivity, and I've never felt such negative emotions from you. Now tell me." Nightmare said in a stern tone.

 "Ink has just been really stressed recently, and I've just been very worried." I told him.

 " I know your lying Dream. You get one more try, tell me what's going on." Nightmare said, trying to hide day his anger.

 "I told you the truth, please believe me. I'm fine." I said, hoping he would believe me.

 "WHY ARE YOU BEING SO DIFFICULT? JUST TELL ME!" Nightmare screamed. I flinched as he yelled and moved my hand, trying to cover my eyes.

 "What are you doing?" Nightmare asked when his face suddenly filled with shock which then turned into worry. "Dream, is someone hurting you?" Nightmare asked quietly. I stayed silent for a moment , trying to come up with something to say.

 "No! Of course not brother! Why would you think that? Everything is fine!" I said, forcing a smile. After staying silent, Error eventually joined out conversation.

 "Y0u'r3 °bv!ously ly¡ng." Error said with a look of pity on his face.

 "Dream, who is hurting you?" Nightmare asked as his expression turned to a smile, he was probably planning a murder.

 "No one's hurting me! Just please leave." I said as tears began to form.

 "Well leave, but I want answers, and soon." Nightmare said as he made a portal and exited with Error.

 This is bad, how long will it be until they force me to tell the truth?

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