Methods & Symptoms

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As previously said methods aren't necessary but are a useful guide to shifting, you can always make your own method for what works best for you! Different methods work for each individual so don't worry if a certain one doesn't work for you, there's many out there to experiment with.

Before any method I recommend you always meditate for about 10 - 15 minutes to help relax your body and calm your mind. If it helps you can listen to guided meditations on YouTube or listen to theta waves. It's also recommended that you drink water through out the day as well.

Common symptoms of shifting are tingling sensations, bright lights, twitching, numbness, fast heart beat, pressure on your chest, sounds or smells from your DR, feeling like yoou're floating. If you don't get any of these symptoms don't worry! You can still shift without feeling them.

For those who are looking for a certain method I've made a contents page:

7. Raven method
8. Julia (I am) method
9. Heartbeat method
10. Estelle method
11. Alice in Wonderland method
12. Staircase method
13. Non - sleeping method
14. Pillow method
15. Train method
16. Rope method
17. Coraline method
18. Elevator method
19. Sunni method
20. Sage method
21. Mirror method

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