The Art of Revenge

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A/N- Hey! Hope you guys like this chapter! Sorry it took me forever to update, I promise I am going to try to get better at updating on time! Also, any thoughts on the new cover? I keep changing it and can't find anything that I like that much yet. So yah! COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!

I bit down on my lip staring with repulsion at the enveloping laying tauntingly in my lap. A drop of cherry red blood dripped onto the envelope, slowly sinking into its depths. I slid a pale finger under the flap of the envelope pulling it steadily open.


Having finished its proclamation the envelope smoldered, laying limply on the table before dissolving into ashes. The taunting laughter which normally followed a howler was absent and in its place an empty, stony silence. Shifting around on the bench I brought up my tear filled eyes to meet the smirks of Draco and his cronies which would undoubtedly be looming over me.

"Father sure isn't happy with you! Hmm something about you not showing your ugly face among us Malfoys of a higher class?" Draco drawled making a face of superiority, giving him a look of severe constipation.

"Shut you mouth Malfoy, or I'll shut it for you!" Ron growled as Hermione struggled to him back.

"No," I stated, coldly staring directly into my twin's pale eyes, "I'm afraid that won't be necessary." In one swift motion my fist glided through the air colliding it with Draco's pale jaw.

The Gryffindor table erupted into snickers as Draco let out a terrified gasp and scampered ferret like towards the Slytherin table. After the brief moment of ecstasy my eyes drifted back towards my lap in defeat. Harry sensing this, spread a comforting arm around my waist, soothingly weaving his fingers into my hair. I laid my head on his shoulder letting my hair fall over my bright violet eyes.

"I know how it feels," Harry whispered, his soft lips brushing against my ear, "to be unwanted." I struggled not to shiver. I felt coal black eyes staring daggers towards me and turned to face Snape.

Severus Snape had been our families closest friend and was always whipping his cloak around, spreading despair into every corner of the manor. Consequently, he had been assigned both Draco and I's godfather, and should have presented Draco with the biggest suck up award ages ago. I however did no such thing and today was the perfect time to claim my revenge.

I turned back to Harry, Hermione, and Ron eyes glittering, a sly smile spreading across my lips. "Now children," I began in a mock patronizing tone, "Today you are going to watch very carefully, because today I must instruct you in the perfected art of revenge."

As we walked into the abandoned dungeons Harry and Ron looked around in confusion as I sent them a knowing smirk. I wracked my brain for knowledge I could turn against my precious godfather. "Ahh," I thought, "his flair for dramatic entrances." I position myself in front of the concealed back entrance, pretending to absentmindedly pick through the potion cupboard.

5...4...3...2...1... BAM!!!!! Snape threw open the door, took a purposeful stride, swishing his cloak over his shoulder, and as he opened his mouth he slammed directly into me. I fell dramatically to the floor writhing and moaning.

Snape glared at me with obvious irritation before remembering that he was a teacher, and therefore must act in an appropriate manner. "Miss Malfoy," he spat with sarcastic concern, " Are you okay?"

"NO!!" I let out an earsplitting sob. I contorted my face into an expression of complete distress and reached out my arms motioning for him no carry me. I could hardly control my snickers as a red faced Snape awkwardly picked me up and carried me to a desk next to Harry. I sent the Gryfinndors a sly wink, receiving appreciative smiles in return. Once I was roughly deposited into my chair, I slowly brought up my big violet eyes to meet Snape's gaze.

"Snapeman, you're my hero," I stuttered in a fake nervous tone. Loud snickers echoed off the bare dungeon walls as Snape grimaced. He regained his composure, as well as, his position in front of the class and turned with a grand sweep of his cloak.

"10 points from Gryffindor." he said bitterly. "Potter!" he snapped at Harry who was attempting in vain to stare at me without anyone noticing. I could barely hold in my gleeful smile.

"What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" He questioned rounding on Harry.

"Why is your hair so greasy?" I retorted. He ignored me and continued his pointless interrogation.

"Where might I find a bezoar?" He snarled in Harry's direction.

Before Harry could stutter another feeble 'I don't know, Professor' I cut in again, "Why are you still single Snape?" In the corner of my eye I saw Hermione thrusting her hand so violently she almost toppled out of her chair.

"Bloody hell professor! Just ask Hermione, she knows." Ron said exasperated.

"Watch your mouth Weasley! 10 more points from Gryfinndor!" Snape growled.

"Oh shut it Snape! We all know you have a thing for gingers." I sneered wickedly.

"That is enough!" he snapped, "20 points from Gryfinndor, I expected better from my goddaughter." Harry turned to me with an incredulous expression mouthing the word 'goddaughter'. I rolled my eyes.

Standing up on the desk I shouted defiantly, "100 POINTS FROM SNAPEMAN!"

Taking in a long deep breath Snape mumbled in defeat, "Class dismissed," shooting me one final glare. As soon as his cloak swished retreated through the back entrance Harry, Ron, and Hermione erupted into laughter, even though Hermione still managed to look disapproving in between fits of giggles. From my place on top of the desk I preformed a mini-victory dance before jumping onto Harry's back and wrapping my arms around his neck. "To transfiguration!" I declared.


Pulling the covers down from over my head I tread lightly across the floor shaking Hermione awake. "Whaa," she said groggily, "Go back to sleep Gwen."

"Come on Mione! I need your help!" I said grabbing her arm and pulling her up the stairs that led to the boy's dormitory. Pulling open the door I whispered into Hermione's ear, "Divide and conquer." Nodding in satisfaction she tiptoed towards Ron's bed causing a smile spread to spread across my lips. I definitely sensed something between those two. "Hmmm," I thought racking my brain. I knew plenty of wake-up strategies from living with Draco, but I think I might attempt something a tad different. Laying my small body on top of Harry's and resting my forehead against his, I stared unblinking at his closed eyes.

Harry's eyelids fluttered slowly open, "Am I dreaming?" he murmured. I let out a loud snicker as Harry blushed dark crimson. I heard a high yelp as Mione swung a pillow onto Ron's limp form knocking him onto the ground. Just as Ron was about to scream in outrage I shot him a meaningful look and motioned for the trio to follow me out the door. I led them through a labyrinth of corridors, ducking into doorways every time I could make out Filtch's menacing footsteps. As we approached the dungeons I placed my hand on a crack on the stone wall and muttered 'mudblood' under my breath, and mentally thanked my parents as the wall swung inwards. The four of us stepped into the Slytherin common room surveying the damp floor and cobwebs draped over the rigid furniture.

"Sorry Gwen, but why the heck are we here?" Hermione asked, obviously uncomfortable with our surroundings.

"Well I wasn't quite sure, yet it seems that before anything can be done about ferret face, a change of decoration is in order." I said an evil glint in my eyes. Pulling my holly, dragon-heart string wand out of the robes I had carelessly slipped on and waved it lazily through the common room. Streamers of bright scarlet and gold hues flew from the tip of my wand circling the common room before settling themselves on the now scarlet and gold furniture. Finding the boy's staircase, I gently pushed open the scarred door revealing a heavily snoring Crabbe and Goyle flanking my darling twin.

"Hmm let's see." I thought out loud. I streaked Draco's blond hair with permanent Gryffindor colored dye I had earlier procured from the Weasily twins, adding the projection of a very realistic looking lion under the bed's of Draco's cronies.

Sighing in content I rubbed my hands against my robes. Ferret Face had better think twice the next time he decided to get in the way of 'Don't call me Gwendolyn' Malfoy

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