Snapeman and Other Minor Setbacks

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A/N: Hey! Sorry this has taken me a little long to update, I am hoping to update once every week so we'll see how that goes! ;)

I beamed with overflowing pride as I sat myself towards the front of the Gryffindor table in between Harry and a girl with bushy brown hair who couldn't seem to shut up about "The glorious knowledge within Hogwarts; A History!" (her words not mine!) In addition, I had the intense misfortune of sitting across from Ron, who once the feast appeared immediately dumped half the table's worth onto his plate. He then began to chew in a way which was agonizing to watch, bits of roast chicken and pork pouring from his open mouth. I turned to the bushy haired girl with a horrified expression as she scrunched up her face in disgust.

"Well, now that this one," the girl began briskly shooting Ron a disapproving look, "has provided an ice-breaker for us I should introduce myself. I'm Hermione Granger!"

"Gwen Malfoy!" I said cheerily giving her a sincere smile. As the boys introduced themselves I thought quickly, "Granger, Granger, Granger... Nope don't recognize it!" Before Draco and I could come to Hogwarts our father had forced us to memorize a list of all the pureblood and major wizarding families. It was petrifying! And all so we could in his words, "Avoid any mudblood filth that might be lurking around the place." A familiar twinkle of mischief lit behind my eyes, knowing that I was using this knowledge to befriend a muggle-born who wouldn't know anything about my past!

"These are my brothers, in 3rd year," Ron mumbled through a mouthful of food, gesturing to a pair of twins with equally as flaming red hair.

"I'm Fred!" "And I'm George!" they said enthusiastically, Fred sending a sly wink in my direction. I felt my cheeks flush with heat, as I subconsciously twirled a strand of blond hair around my finger giving him a flirty smile. Out of the corner of my eye I was able to catch a twinge of jealously taint Harry's features. "Success!" I thought, giving myself a mental fist bump.

"Fred! George!" Harry called out holding his scar, "Who's that teacher sitting next to Professor Quirrell?" I rolled my eyes as I took in the all too familiar greasy black tangles and coal black eyes.

Conducting an imaginary orchestra I cued in the Weasley twins, "Da na na na SNAPEMAN!" we chanted together making dramatic gestures in Snape's direction. Harry had an utterly amused look on his face, yet looked completely confused. "You'll see soon enough," I said giving him a sympathetic smile.

After much to Ron's despair the food disappeared from the table, I hurriedly entered the throng of of people following the Gryffyndor prefects. However before I could disappear among the crowd of Gryffyndors, I felt cold fingers wrap around my arm. I groaned, it was never going to be that easy to escape an encounter with ferret face.

"What the bloody hell was that Gwendolyn?! The hat was going to put you Slytherin! Wait till Father hears about this!" Draco screamed fingernails digging into my skin.

"Just leave me alone Draco! I don't give a damn about what father says!" I shouted back, hot sticky tears clouding my vision as I yanked my arm back and stormed off towards our prefect. I entered the Gryffindor common room ,choked down my sobs and pasted a cheery smile onto my features. The light of mischief was rekindled behind my eyes as I took in the immense of scarlet and gold surrounding me. Grabbing Hermione's arm I dragged her up the stairs towards our dorm flopping down dramatically down onto a four-poster bed. Just as Hermione opened her mouth to speak the most giggly girls I had every encountered stumbled into the room clutching at eachother's arms.

"Oh hi! You must be our roommates! I'm Lavender!" the girl with curly dirty-blond hair said over enthusiastically wrapping each of us in a awkward side hug, "And this is my new bestie Pavarti!" gesturing to the slender Indian girl with sleek black hair. They them skipped over to the beds in the corner, without even asking over our names, and started pouring over the monthly issue of "Witch Weekly."

I fluttered my eyelashes at Hermione pasting on a fake smile, "Oh my god Mione! I am like Lav Lav and were going to be totally like besties," I said mimicking Lavender's ridiculous tone. She spit out a giant laugh, getting in return a sychronized dirty look from both Lavender and Pavarti.

"Goodnight Mione!" I called out tucking my covers under my chin.

"Goodnight Gwen!"


The next morning I woke up before anyone else in our dorm and padded quietly across the floor locking myself into bathroom, more out of habit than anything. It truly was a breath of fresh air not having to ward of Ferret Face. Hmmmm lets think.. Goal of the day? To catch Harry's eye and hopefully hold it there, successfully pissing off Ferret Face. I dusted a light coating of sparkling choclate brown eyeshadow and ligned my violet eyes in silver pencil. Then, I curled my hair into elegant ringlets which cascaded down shoulders in graceful waves. Mione was waiting for me in our dormitory attempting to shove yet another book into her over stuffed bag. "Are those even in the curriculum?" I asked incredulously.

"No! But it always pays off to be prepared!" she began before shifting her gaze to meet mine,"Wow Gwen! You look amazing! What's the occasion?" Halfway down the stairs I noticed Harry sitting alone in the common room, stole a glance in his direction, and then turned back to Mione giving her a sly wink. She gasped.

"You like Ha.." she began excitedly before I slammed a hand over her mouth. Harry had noticed us coming down the stairs. "Morning Mione!" he said cheerily, "Morning Gwen!" his jaw dropped slightly as his eyes met mine. I stifled a giggle and hooked my arms through Harry's and Mione's, leading them towards the Great Hall where Ron was no doubt scarffing down his breakfast in what my father would call a most "undignified manor". As I sat down at the Gryffindor table I scowled to see our family's eagle owl glaring down at me with his glinting yellow eyes. From his beak he dropped an innocent looking yet infamous red envelope onto my lap.

A howler.

A/N: Mini cliffhanger dun dun dun!!! Hope you liked this chapter, I am trying to make them a tad longer! Welps..... COMMENT! VOTE! JUST KEEP READING BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!! <3 <3 <3

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