❥Eleven - Dream

Start from the beginning

"Why do you ask? Are you going to fulfill them for me?" she asked in a teasing tone.

"Yes, I will do them for you."

"I know, you will." She chuckled as she took the book back from Jimin.

"Come on, I'm serious, Everly. Tell me." Everly eyed the male to see if he was joking but Jimin looked dead serious.

"Forget it. I don't have any—"

"There's got to be at least one thing you'd like to do." He pestered. Everly sighed as she realized there was no escaping from this blonde male's determination.

"Uh, there's one thing I want do." Jimin's eyes lighted up with anticipation as Everly spoke. "Since I already went to the theme park on a date, with you. And I'll forever remember that." She flashed Jimin a warm smile as she brought her hand to caress his cheek, "I always wanted to go on vacation with some I love."

"Then vacation it is!" Jimin exclaimed with his hands slightly thrown in the air. Everly just shook her head at the childish act of the blonde male who now had his arms draped around her.


"You'll take Everly to where?" George's eyes flickered to the blonde male who was seated in front of him with solemn expression as he nodded politely.

"Jimin, you are supposed to be convince her to get treatment, not taking her to trips and all. Do you even know what kind of situation she is in right now? She's sick and she doesn't need to—"

"So, are you saying she can't do what she wants? Why does that have to stop her from doing what she wants?" Jimin debated, it was infuriating him, "Why are you putting up a label in her life? I know time is crucial right now. I don't want to let her go that easily but there's absolutely nothing I can do for her. The only thing I can do is fulfill what she wants. I know I sound like an indiscreet fool but trust me I've thought this through so I came to consult to you."

"Still, I don't think I can allow that. We can't risk anything." George shook his head in denial. His face was as stern as his decision.

"Please Mr. Woods. Don't you want to see her being happy too? I know it can be risky but I'll be there for her. I'll be by her side to take care of her. And I promise I'll drive her to you right away if anything happens. But most importantly I won't let anything happen to her. So please, give her a chance to feel what's it is to be really alive."

George looked at the pleading face of the blonde latter and heaved a deep sigh. He also wanted to see his niece being happy, which he hadn't seen for quite some years.

"She is in your care then." He let out earning a surprised look from Jimin as an earnest smile broke on his lips. "Take a good care of her." he added as Jimin nodded like a kid.


A screeching sound ringed in the room as Jimin pulled out the chair and sat in front of his desk and flickered the lamp on as the warm yellow light gleamed on his honey skin. With towel draped on his neck as water trickled from his damp hair, he pushed back few strands of blonde locks that fell before his eyes.

He pulled a note book towards him that was lying on the desk and started to note down the things Everly's uncle had told him. He was relieved at the fact that George had given the permission to let her go on a trip but he was anxious deep down. He wasn't sure if can do good well taking care of Everly.

"You can do it, Jimin." He mumbled to himself before plopping on the bed without bothering to dry the damp hair. With a hand placed under his head and another laid limply on the side, he stared at the ceiling. Mind racing with countless thoughts which he couldn't grasp onto one for long.

He closed his eyes and brought other hand to cover his eyes as a heavy sigh left his mouth. His heart was still anxious and heavy. Even though the past week had been one of the happiest to him, since he was now with the girl he loved so dearly. But some part of him still shattered whenever Everly smiled at him. He could never tell if she was truly happy in the midst of chaos in her heart.

Fear. The thought of not seeing her every time he woke up feared him. Screw it, he would leave everything just to spend every minutes and seconds with her. Because no one ever knows what can happen. In the faintest blink of eye Everly could be gone. But just like hope is in faith, he had faith in her that she will stay, just even a little longer.

Tear slipped down from the corner of his eyes. Only he knows how much he held it in every time he saw her and every time he thought of her. He told himself he won't cry and only smile but how would he know that it was this bloody hard.

The phone on the table beside the bed buzzed. Jimin monotonously rummaged to grab the phone without bothering to get up from the position. Once he got a hold of it, he peeked at the phone. He quickly wiped the tears. But it began to flow even more when he read the message.

My love<3: See you tomorrow. Sleep           well, my dearest.   

My love<3: I love you.                                                      

Overwhelmed with emotions, Jimin broke down. He cried and cried in pain and agony. Heart wrenching sobs echoed between the four thick walls. With thoughts full of his love and pain not lifting even a bit, Jimin cried himself to sleep. 


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