❥Seven - Painful Reality

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"Three to four months." She felt as if the ground beneath her feet crumble as the person in front of her stated. He kept continuing, "Approximately, you have three to four months to live."

She tried to process what she was just bombarded with. Although she was prepared for this, she was still stunned. She let out a shaky breath once she took the news. Words stuck on her throat. She just looked at the doctor in front of her who was carefully watching her, expecting at least a little reaction from her.

Everly was the type to handle even painful things well. Even when her parents who went overseas for a business trip and never came back, she took the news well and moved on or so what others thought.

"There must be something wrong." She spoke, so quietly. The doctor looked at her. "You definitely said that I had one year or more. So how...? I don't understand, how can this happen?"

"I'm sorry Everly, but that's the truth." He sighed putting down the glasses he was wearing. "When was the last time you came for your appointment? 2 months ago?"

Everly didn't speak, she kept listening. The doctor sighed, "The tumor is spreading very fast, it's developing faster than we suspected. The medication can only numb you from the pain, at this point you need proper treatment, Everly. Let's start using chemotherapy without wasting much time. It might expand your life longer. Please Everly, if we not take the action right away, I didn't want to say this, but you might not have weeks or even days left."

Everly maintained her calm posture. She knew she was going to die anyway, so it shouldn't affect much. But the truth is it did. No matter how fine and composed she looked on the outside, her world was crumbling from the inside. She felt like the whole sky fell upon her.

"Isn't it unfair?" she asked directly meeting the pain filled and guilt ridden eyes of the person in front of her. "Ah... The time is so cruel, seriously." She threw her head backwards as she fought back tears.

"I'm so sorry." The man whispered.

Apology wasn't what she wanted from him, or not any words of sympathy or comfort. Cure. That's what she wanted. And so desperately.

"You're so young and you don't deserve it. As if losing my brother and sister in law wasn't enough, I don't want to lose my niece too. So please," he pleaded. "Please, get admitted to hospital without wasting any time. Hold onto your life a little longer, dear."

She didn't want to die either. Though losing her parents made her numb and what not. The death didn't threatened her, not after the people she loved and cherished the most now lay somewhere in the abyss of the cold ocean. A wave of dismal hit her tiny heart at the thought.

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