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"What the hell do you mean?" Hazel couldn't deny that the twins were certainly unique, but neither of them had shown her any reason that they may be anything other than human. "Of course we're the same, we're human."

Lory smiled, her smile knowing. "We know that you're a vampire slayer Hazel, you don't have to hide that from us. We also know Jasper is a vampire, although we do choose to avoid his sort." Alex's smile was warmer than his sister's.

"What are you talking about? Vampire slayers? Vampires? Are you guys crazy, none of those things actually exist." Maybe, if she vehemently denied their every word they'd leave her alone.

 "Hazel, we know because we ourselves are different. We're slayers as well, just an older branch that has been all but forgotten." The clarification was much needed, and allowed Hazel to relax a small bit.

"Well, damn. I thought I was the only slayer in Washington, because we're supposed to be able to sense each other." Hazel smiled, she was still nervous but feeling better. 

"My ability allows me to dull supernatural peoples senses, it comes in handy when people like you come to school." Alex shrugs.

Hazel nodded, her eyes turning to Lory. "And you Lory? You're voice commands people to do things right?" 

Lory nodded, looking to her brother to explain. "It's why she doesn't talk, unlike most slayers we are unable to turn off our abilities. The constant use allows our powers to become even stronger then the average. So Lory chooses not to speak, as to not activate her power." Hazel nodded, constant use of her powers would be exhausting, she can't imagine how the twins had managed eighteen years like that.

"I'm assuming you're curious about how I can stay so close to the Cullen's? It isn't usual for a slayer to surround themselves with those they were born to destroy after all."

"We don't care that you surround yourself with vampires like the Cullens, they're nothing like the people we were born to destroy. They're... different."

"And yet you avoid them still?" Hazel pointed out, causing Alex to sigh. 

"It's... Difficult to fight the natural will to hate all like them. It's best we stay away from them as to not accidentally start a fight."

"I suppose that's fair, you must've been raised to hate them." 

Alex and Lory looked at each other and shook their heads. "Our parents know nothing of our abilities, we were adopted remember? Our real parents are long dead."

"Oh... I didn't realize." She was taken aback by Alex's forwardness over such a touchy subject. "I lost my father as well, about two years ago now."

"I suppose it is a vampire slayers curse to be destroyed by what it was born to do the same." Alex's voice was low and melancholic.

"How philosophical Alex." Lory's voice was barely above a whisper, but certainly filled sarcasm. Her voice was soft and light, Hazel was almost certain that it had to do something with her ability, because a normal persons voice wouldn't sound so... Coercive

Alex moved down from the rock he was standing on, walking towards Hazel slowly. It was then that Jasper appeared out from nowhere. "Am I intruding?" His eyes were weary as he watched Alex carefully, who'd taken a step back after seeing him.

"No no, you're just on time." Alex smiled, his smile was as cold as Jasper's skin and Hazel could practically feel the chill.

"Good, if you're done here I'll be taking Hazel." Jasper gently wrapped his arm around Hazel's waist, his eyes not leaving Alex's.

"Fine by me. We'll be seeing you Hazel." Alex nodded to Lory, and the two disappeared into the forest.

Hazel let out a sigh of relief as she snuggled into Jasper's side, embracing the familiar cold his  skin let off. "Thanks J." Only giving her a nod, he carefully picks Hazel up and carries her out of the woods, back to her car.

"Alice wants you at the house, to help plan for Bella's birthday party."  Giving him a smile she hops out of his arms and fires up the car.

"Need a ride?" Her grin was enough for Jasper to crack a small smile and get in the passenger seat. "Well... That was an experience, were you listening the entire time?"

Jasper nodded his head, then began motioning to the light-brown haired boy that had appeared outside of the window. "I had Edward reading their minds, just in case I missed anything while I was gone." Edward waved, before disappearing in a blur through the woods. "One of them must've been interfering."

"Alex, he has an ability to dampen the sense of the super-natural." Hazel quickly responded, her thoughts running through the conversation she'd just had with the twins. "He and Lory are slayers, just like I am."

"Really? Hm..." Jasper nodded, then went silent for a moment, deep in thought.

While he was thinking, Hazel turned the key to her car and the engine roared to life. She quickly pulled out of the school parking lot and sped down the main road, towards the Cullen's house. "It's weird, I knew they were strange, but I wasn't expecting to not be normal." Hazel emphasized normal, because her normal was definitely different than the average persons.

"I can understand, other than avoiding us like the plague, they never gave any of us reason to think they weren't like everyone else."  Shrugging, Jasper looked out the window.

Hazel nodded, her eyes flitting to Jasper's face for a moment before returning to the road. "Do you think, that there might be another vampire slayer at school? I mean, if Alex and Lory can hide so well, why couldn't someone else?"

"You make a good point, but let's not worry about that for now." Jasper was right, worrying about something that may or may not even be possible wasn't going to get either of them anywhere.

"So... Alice wanted me?" 

"Yeah, she wants help planning for Bella's party."

"I already told her everything I know." Sighing, Hazel ran a hand through her hair. "She's gonna be the death of me." 

Jasper chuckled as they drove through the woods, towards the Cullen's place.


It took a very long time for Alice to release Hazel from her duty as assistant party planner, but when she finally did, Hazel practically sprinted out the door. "Alice a little too much for you?" It was Edward, who was quietly laughing at her.

"I've never met someone so detail-oriented in my life." She sighed, waiting for Jasper to join the two.

"Alice is like that. I wanted to thank you though, for helping plan for Bella's party."

"It's no big deal, she's my cousin." Hazel pointed out, getting herself a glass of water. "Hey J."

Jasper smiled slightly as he walked into the kitchen, sidling up to Hazel quietly. "Heya Darlin', you ready to head out?"

"Yeah, I think it's time I get home." Hazel smiles back at him and rinses out the cup. "See ya Edward."

"Bye Hazel."

Hazel grabbed her car keys and Jasper joined her on her way home.


Sorry for this being short, but I have my reasons. This chapter was incredibly hard to finish as I've been unmotivated. A friend of mine has tragically passed (Not of Covid), and I've felt really lost as of late. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to post this, but here it is. Thank you all for reading, and I hope to see you in the next part. Bye.

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