After Care 🍋

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Bakugou sighed deeply as he dropped his duffle bag to the ground with a soft thud. His red eyes burned with exhaustion, his body felt incredibly heavy tonight after his shift.  It wasnt that he disliked being a top pro-hero, far from it.  In fact, if someone were to ask him if he hated or loved being a hero he would scoff at them and blast their ass. Of course he loved his job. Becoming a pro-hero was his dream, the ultimate goal in his life. The amount of hours, blood, sweat, and tears he had put into his training was not for nothing. Of course he fucking loved his job. But sometimes, Sometimes he wouldnt mind being able to rest.

Like now. Now, all he wanted to do was eat and sleep.

Bakugou flipped the light on in the kitchen, taking notice of the just washed dishes in the dish rack and the scent of cleanser lingering in the air. Y/n mustve cleaned up before she went to work. He thought briefly before opening up the fridge to see what was available to eat.  His expression softened once he laid his eyes on the plate of food wrapped up with a note on top.

"Missing you a lot today, dont overwork yourself. I love you. -Y/n"

After reheating his dinner he sat down at the table, sighing deeply once more now that he was finally off of his feet. It had been a long couple of days. A couple of weeks of nonstop back-to-back hero work. Which meant that Bakugou was rarely home, either arriving far too late into the night, or leaving far too early in the morning. There were only small traces that he had actually been there, a coffee cup left in the sink, the bathroom being damp still from a shower. It was weeks like this one that were incredibly taxing on Bakugou, and that was because he never got to see you.

His girlfriend.

It also didnt help that your work schedule at the hospital was just as busy. Almost seemingly as the exact opposite of his. He figured you had another night shift tonight as he headed to the bedroom. But he froze at the doorway. The tightness in his body melted completely as he gazed at your sleeping figure.

You were curled up under the blankets, fast asleep, and completely unaware of the tall man staring at you. Bakugou couldnt move fast enough. All he could think about was curling up against you tonight, holding you close, and burying his face into your hair. He had missed you so much. Stripping down to his underwear, he moved to slide under the blankets, his expression softening as he noticed that you were wearing one of his t-shirts. Carefully coming up behind you, he moved to wrap one of his arms around your waist. He pulled you in close, tucking you into his chest easily. But you were awakened by the sudden movement.

Babe? you mumbled softly, eyes still heavy with sleep as you shifted your body so that you were facing the warm solid man now next to you. Go back to sleep. he grumbled, both of you settling down against one another. He peered down at you with a gentle expression. He had never seen anything more beautiful.

How was work today? you hummed softly, slinging your right arm around his broad shoulder, your leg kicking up to wrap around his waist.  Wrapping his fingers around your thigh, and tugging you closer. His hand was big and warm, the roughness of his palms and fingers felt perfect against your soft skin. A touch you were desperately craving the past couple of weeks.  Dumbass Deku got overrun with the villains we were chasing down, I had go and save his stupid ass. he grumbled, moving his hand up to slide into your shirt, his fingers tracing patterns onto your back.

Hmm. you sighed softly, nuzzling your nose against his collarbone, inhaling that familiar burnt caramel scent. Both of you were quiet for a moment, enjoying each others company. It was clear that both of you were exhausted, but neither of you had gone to sleep just yet. There was a hum in the air. A very familiar one. Looking up at the man that youve known your entire life. His eyes were closed, but you knew that he wasnt asleep. Your gaze started at the top of his head. His spiky hair was more disheveled than usual, but you knew that it was incredibly soft and perfect beneath your fingers. Moving your eyes further down you took in his perfectly arched eyebrows and long lashes, but beneath that you noticed the dark circles framing his lower lids.  Frowning softly at your boyfriends apparent lack of sleep you continued your search against his face.  His nose was perfect, and just below it, those soft full lips. Your stomach flipped pleasantly. A familiar feeling bubbling in your lower stomach. He was so handsome. And that was just his face. You knew that his body was just as perfect, if not better. It was as if Bakugou, Katsuki was sculpted from the gods themselves.

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