Chapter Fifteen:Negative thoughts

Start from the beginning

His face was light red as I stared at him ,his lips where softer then I remembered even though they where pretty dry. "Just in case I don't make it alive ,I wanted to remember how your lips feel against mine." I mumbled he let go of my hand finally and replied in a shaky voice "D-Don't say things like that." Those where the last words I heard come out of his mouth as the door closed behind me ,once I was outside I signaled Kirishima to come and pick me up. Flying from kingdom to kingdom was way faster then horse back riding but it still took a few hours to get there.

I made sure to fly up high enough for no one to notice us ,not yet anyway. As we flew above the kingdom, smoke made the cold air smell bitter. There where small battles here and there ,houses and trees where on fire. As there where shouts and screams coming from below ,and as I flown over the rest of the kingdom they still had hundreds of soldiers that where ready to fight. This was going to be difficult, and even though I knew that I still made Kirishima fly closer and closer to the ground ,I had a bad feeling about this battle or war that was about to start but I wasn't scared ,I was prepared.

"Kirishima we're going to fly down there over all of those guards but don't land, just blow as much fire as you can." I said before pushing myself off of his neck a bit ,his neck always got dangerously hot when he blew fire. He did as I said fire blasted half of the guards I heard screams of pain come from below. As Kirishima went back up disguised by the cold dark grey clouds ,we repeated that cycle two more times. Most of the soldiers where injured not dead ,maybe it was because of there armer. I watched as most of them ran back towards the carriages they were brought in. Next where those ,"Pet I need you to go blast fire there t-." Arrows suddenly shot from where the carriages where. But I couldn't see exactly where they where coming from. I heard Kirishima let out a loud growled whimper, I saw they had shot him in the wing. Another arrow flew by my face as I only moved my head the arrow was only inches away.

I let out frustrated breath ,"Kirishima we have to get away from this area." I felt a sharp pain come from my left arm ,one of the arrows had managed to make deep gash in my arm. Gripping Kirishimas huge red scales ,he swayed around in a circle before we returned back towards the carriages. And there was another arrow this time hitting me in the upper shoulder, I let out a loud grunt of pain the sudden impact caused me to loose my grip on Kirishima and I slipped off of his back. I realized I was falling at the last moment and made a big explosion to make the fall less impactful. I still fell with a hard thud my explosion was close to my ear ,and made my ears ring violently. I couldn't think straight the injury on my shoulder hurt so bad I almost felt numb. Pulling the arrow out fast I gasped a bit the pressure of the wound got worse, my ears slowly went back to normal as I could hear Kirishimas roars of worry. I lifted my good arm and let out another explosion signaling that I was still alive, which was stupid because there was some guards near by coming from on of the village houses. Grabbing my shoulder with a painful grunt blood soaked my hand as I put more pressure on my wound.

I stumbled towards another house near by and went behind it ,I heard the guards run by as I let out a light sigh of relief. Sliding off my belt I wrapped it around my shoulder tightly and hooked it through a loop. I panted lightly trying to catch my breath ,the cold air making my lunges burn. I took out my sword as my bloody hand dried I gripped it ,I can't die I have to keep going. For my kingdom, for my country, for Kirishima. Taking one step after another ,for Deku. There was a dusty fog as the wind began to get stronger and stronger ,I saw something from the corner of my eye in a abandoned market. I gripped my sword while approaching whatever was trying to hide, I saw them bowled up in the corner of a wall by a huge wooden table. I suddenly felt a presence behind me ,before doing a reverse headbutt and hearing a loud thud of someone falling. I realized there was a little boy hiding, he had messy black hair a white shirt that was stained in dirt ,along with some black shorts and boots. He tightly clutched onto a strange red hat ,with two yellowish horns on it.

His face was hidden in his knees as he hugged his legs tightly ,"Hey I'm a good guy ok, I can help you." I said reassuringly, he shook his head his face still hidden. "Kid if we stay here we're going to die ,just come with me. I'll take you to your parents." I said eagerly while looking around to see if anyone was around, it had seemed that everyone had left or was just gone ,maybe held captive. "M-My parents are dead there's no one to go to.........." his voice was muffled as he spoke stubbornly. "Look kid if you come with me I promise you everything will be fine." He finally glared up at me ,his face having dried tears on them his eyes red and puffy.

"I t-think my ankle broken ,I can't walk." He lifted his leg to show me his bruised ankle. Damn how much more troublesome can this kid get? "Come on." I said while crouching all the way down and turning my back towards him ,so he could crawl up on my back. He did and I stood up ,wrapping his legs around my upper waist and his arms around my neck. I told him to hold on tight and walked out into the empty streets ,he was way lighter then I thought. "What's your name?" He stayed quiet why was this kid so stubborn?....... "Fine since you wanna be like that ,then I'll just call you stubborn ass." I said irritatedly he still said nothing for a while ,"My names Kota." I was so surprised he said something I nearly stopped in my tracks, "I'm king- I mean ,Bakugou." He went back to silence as I heard faded screams and caius. I felt Kota cling even tighter onto me in fear ,I felt his tiny little kid body shake as we walking through a war zone.

After walking through the abandoned village for a while I started to realize Kota was way heavier then before. I was getting tired my injury made me weaker then usual I was loosing a lot of blood, if I didn't get my wound treated soon I might pass out....... But I can't I have to get the kid to safety. Nearly forcing myself to keep going I saw Kirishima's silhouette through the dust and fog ,he roared as the strong stench of smoke came near. I looked around as there was sudden silence, something wasn't right I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise. "Bakugou!" Kota suddenly cried out in warning ,as I grew alert I noticed a black hole was forming in front of us. It was like a portable of some sort ,I quickly walked backwards as another black hole formed from behind. Kota gripped onto me as I got ready to let out an explosion ,pulling out my sword I realized we where now surrounded by these black holes. "You and the boy will not be harmed ,if you surrender and step into one of the portals there will be no trouble." A deep arrogant voice reassured us ,I looked up to see two yellow eyes staring down on us. I let out an explosion without thinking and was hit with the same impact from one of the portals around us. I grunt as the heel of my boots was stuck in the dirt ,if I kept up this behavior I was going to injure myself and the kid even more. I was out of options "You ok ,kid?" I asked with a light pant while glaring back at him ,"Yeah." He said in a shaky tone ,ok that was good ,now what was I supposed to do?

Should I tell Kota to go with them? They'll only kill me right?......... No what am I thinking, ugh! Right when I was about to tell Kota my decision. All the portals around us started to disappear suddenly except the one with the yellow eyes, it slowly closed up as it floated up. I watched in confusion before seeing a girl the same age as me flouting up in the air ,I had seen her in Almights palace. Her ankle was tied with rope ,the person holding her from floating away was another girl with metal armer on ,black hair back in a ponytail. They walked towards me before a guy came to by he also had armer on ,and blue hair. He was the knight that came with there sergeant to check on Deku ,they where helping me? "Hey you guys ok?" The blue haired knight asked , I tried my best to stand tall but it was pretty hard. "The kid's ankle is broken." I announced as he got closer to us ,"Oh, Kota thank god we finally found him ,thank you for keeping him safe. We know where everyone from our village is ,I'll take him to his care taker." The knight said reassuringly, I stood back from him while staring the guy in his eyes. Why am I hesitating? I can hardly even walk at this point, I've done all I could have......... I turned and the knight picked up the kid from off my back and held him like baby.

I smiled lightly at him as he stared for a moment. "Stay safe Kota........" I waved farewell and he did the same before the knight took off fast. Letting out a light breath I realized my I was in so much pain that I could even feel the wound anymore ,my shoulder feeling tight and cramped. "Hey dragon king right? I'm dame Momo....... We can take you to safety before your wounds gets infected." I stared at her ,I wouldn't be surprised if it already was infected. I was probably not going to make it out of this war ,so might as well die fighting. "I can still fight." I said breathlessly as she stared at me worriedly. "Where's the leader of the bad guys?" I asked changing the subject. "Well we where all in the palace a few hours ago ,but that portal guy separated us. Luckily we still found each other ,now we're just trying to find the rest of the civilians." I looked up at the brown hard girl who still flouted up in the air ,"What about King Allmight and your sergeant?" I asked she sighed a worried expression coming across her face. "We haven't found them yet ,but they may still be in the palace."

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