Chapter Five: The past

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~Bakugou's P.O.V~

Before I slammed the doors to my chambers in irritation. I looked at the two maids and guards that stood at either sides of the doors. "You two go clean and tie him back up ,you go with them." I growled before they gave a respectful bow and scattered like bugs. And then my gaze came upon Kirishima he stared at me with a serious face and I knew exactly what was coming next. I walked ahead of him ,"What did you do to that poor boy?" I tried to ignore him as I picked up my pace. "My king are you listening to me? I thought you weren't going to hurt him?...... Sire?" I clenched my fists as he continued with his one sided argument. "Katsuki you promised. When I helped you all those years back you promised." I nearly stopped in my tracks ,not that he said my name out loud and not king or ,sire. But because I remembered everything when I first became king I remembered my promise and his as well.

~Flash back~

I ran breathlessly through a forest that I never knew existed. I wiped the tears from my face my mother's words seeping through my skin. And going straight for my heart ,I cant believe I left her and father im such a coward. I sniffed before tripping over a huge tree trunk and falling flat on my face. I groaned in pain before rolling over on the grass ,I looked up at the baby blue sky. The weather was so nice ,I then saw the smoke from fires and explosions flow into the clear sky. I need to keep moving ,I tried to stand but my ankle began to throb in pain ,I nearly screamed in agony. I flopped back on the ground as tears streamed down the sides of my face. And then darkness ,I dozed off I think but when I woke back up I found myself laying on a pile of leaves which was quit comfortable there was a small pond that I laid next to ,What? It was sunset but it just was morning ,how long was I asleep? I then heard shuffling through the bushes behind me. I tried to stand once again but my ankle was still broken ,I looked around for a weapon and found a tiny stick ,my only hope. Im not afraid I mumbled to myself ,the creatures head popped out it was a dragons head but a baby one. He had leaves and sticks in his tiny cute mouth ,trying to desperately hold all of it. Once he stepped out of the bushes he was longer then I expected and his wings looked huge ,imagine if he stretched them out to fly ,he had beautiful red scales. "S-Stay away! Y-You beast." I stuttered trying to sound tough ,he cocked his head at me as if he where confused. And dropped the sticks before standing on his hind legs and slowly shifting. I watched as his scales slowly changed to tan smooth skin. His dragon body changed into a boys and the leathery horns that was once on his head turned to soft red hair.

I stared in amazement he smiled at me the only thing not seeming to change was his teeth. They where sharper then ever ,he didn't wear any clothes ,should ive expected that. He was skinny and tall ,dirty to I wondered how long he had been out here. He obviously was the same age as me maybe younger ,8 or 9 years old ,maybe even 10. "S-Stay back Im warning you." I said with a shaky voice as I gripped the stick in my hands firmly ,he crawled forward without a word. And grabbed another stick from off the ground ,crawling like monkey toward me. I began to freak out not being able to run or attack all I could do was sit there. He touched my broken ankle gently before pressing the small stick against it. I whimpered a bit before he grabbed a vine and tugged as it broke from the grass. He wrapped it around my ankle tightly which made the pain worse ,"Hey what's your problem stupid hair?!" I exclaimed punching him on the top of his head. But he didn't react he just looked me up and down in confusion. Before tieing a knot in the vines so it could stay in its place. Did he just help me? He leaned in as I backed away ,before smirking and licking my face. I felt my face go hot and I flustered ,before pushing him off with all my strength. "Okay get off stupid hair ......... And thanks." I rubbed the saliva off of my face my face still hot.

He didn't answer not surprising ,"Can you talk." He cocked his head at me again in confusion. "Well ok ,I'll teach you how to talk for helping me." I smiled at him as he smiled back. And ever since that day we had been partners ,we where a team he helped me regain my family's empire and I helped him in education. It was great well not until one night where everything changed ,we where celebrating Kirishima's birthday in the village of my kingdom. We danced ,sang ,drank it was great well not until we got back to the palace. I carried him to his chamber's he was to drunk to do it himself. "Come on stupid dragon don't make this hard for me." I growled at him while opening his chambers doors and laying him on his bed. "Ok ,happy 15th birthday ,and good night." I began to walk towards the door before he cried out and whined for me to come back. I rolled my eyes before letting go of the door handle and walking back towards his bed. "You know though we've grown up together your still a big baby dragon in my eye's." I gave him a warm smile as he looked up at me in a drunk daze. His eye's gleamed in the candle light surrounding use. His cheeks where bright red and his face looked flushed as if he had been crying. And his lips they looked so soft and sweet I nearly drooled at the thought of kissing him. No! What am I thinking we're like brothers ,it's nothing like that. He finally dozed off and fell asleep ,I got up and walked towards the door before being stopped once again ,"B-Bakugou ,I mean sire?" I turned once again before sitting along his bed side. "Sorry I stayed for long I was just leaving...." I said getting up once more and getting ready to leave the room. "N-No wait. I need to talk to you." I sat back down in curiosity. "About?" I asked as he sat up on his bed. He leaned towards me without hesitation I didn't budge. Looking him straight in his beautiful red eye's ,"I really don't have anything to talk about I just-" His lips parted as he stopped himself  ,I watched as his eye's went down to my lips the same thing practically on both of our minds. And then I leaned in without thinking ,Why would I do that. But his lips where so soft ,I wondered how'd he tasted. And so I slid my tongue in out of temptation ,and then I was suddenly on top of him.

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