Chapter 32- Keegan Collins

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*Calix POV*

I wave at Cashel who's walking towards me that afternoon..

His cousin is still devine as ever..

"Calix.." he nods at him..

"you do know that you never change.." he mused as Cashel stood next to him..

"for what I will change cousin.." Cashel said

stoic as ever..

"you are tyhe exact opposite of Cash.." he said

Cashel showed a faint smile..

He smirked..

"our differences makes us stronger Calix.." Cashel said

Then just like that his cousin started talking about business..

well its hard not to..

they're born like this..

They are after all a Collins..

"you men talks about business?? seriously??" 

Both of them look at the new comer..

Cashel's reaction is automatic..

He smiled..

"Cassiopeia.. my favorite person in the world.." I open my arms for her

And she will always be Cash..

she just smirked and high fived me..

seriously Cashel and Cash are the weirdest husband and wife in the history!!!!

"die Calix.." she told me

"Cash what happen to no bullying??"

and just like that my heart started beati8ng like crazy..

it never change..

it never gets old..

this feeling that I have for my Cassandra..

My wife..

My mia bella..

Cash just laugh at her sister..

Soon everyone is catching up with one another..

its seldom for Cashel and his family to leave the estate..

but now that its summer break we decided to catch here in the Manor..

Seth is on his way with family as well..

and Klei promised to follow..

Cashel now doesnt have any issue with Klei..

He just accepted the fact that his wife will be forever close to her bestfriend..


we stop when we heard that voice..


I smiled fondly at the boy who's the exact copy of me when I was his age..

he's just eight years old but his toungue sure is sharp..

He's holding the bass guitar that I gave him last Christmas, though he never had the chance to practice it often because of boarding school..

"ready??" he looks at his cousins..

The twins just smirked back at him and look proudly at their parents..

Seriously I dont know how my son can tell who's Cloud and who's Skye between the two..

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