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*Cassandra's POV*

"a whisky??" I asked Cash as she slumped on the couch in the saloon. .

Klei,her friend is busy talking on his phone. .

"its not just whisky. .its fine malt whisky. ." she corrected. .

"like I know that. ." I said

"so what is it??" she pressed

I look at Klei. .

"its fine. .you can trust him. ." she assured

"ok. ." I inhaled as I told her about my encounter with Lirica. .

"Cassandra. .how many times do I have to tell you to stay away and be careful. ." Cash said in a tight voice. .

"Cash. ." Klei tried to calm her

I swallowed. .

"but she's different. .she looks so lost and---"

"fuck that!!!she's still the same Lirica who wished you dead!!!the same slut who said youre a fucking gold digger!!!the same bitch who wants Calix!!!do you honestly want to be friends with her??!!" Cash stood up

I angered her. .

go figure Cass. .

what Cash said made me feel and look so stupid. .

scratch her cuss words. .she's right. .

but Lirica. .

her face. .

her bruises. .

her sadness. .

I cant ignore it. .

I know she's in pain. .

"Cass. .CASSANDRA!!!" Cash shouted in front me while snapping her fingers. .

I jumped startled. .

"are you listening??!!" she thundered

my stomach churn. .

Cash is really scarey when she's like this. .

I shuddered. .

"Cash!!ochitsuite kudasai!!" Klei said

and I was shocked to see Cash trying to calm down. .

wow their really close. .

what did he say anyway??

did he threathened her???

"Im calm Klei. ." she said

oh he told her to calm down. .

and its working. .

"Cassandra answer me. .Im asking you a question. ."

she's still mad. .

her tone low but menacing. .

I prefer the screaming Cash. .

not like this. .

she's like a calm before the storm. .

"I know Im sorry but Cash. .she looks so---"


I took a step back. .

"I know!!!Im still in one piece right??" I asked nervously. .

trying to look noncholant. .

she eyed me. .

you know. .giving me THE look. .

I feel like being cornered by a wild animal ready to attack her prey. .

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