Book of Deep Trouble Chapter Three Tardiness

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Carey's foot hit the hallway to his class the moment the bell for the start of homeroom rang. He managed to stifle the curse that wanted to escape his lips. He had no doubt in his mind that it would be heard this time. And probably every teacher would come running out of their room to make him regret uttering it.

Frustration built up inside of him as he thought how he was once again late for homeroom. He quietly walked up to his room which was near the middle of the hall. Fortunately the other teachers were too involved in their own classes to notice him. The boy peered in and saw that their heads were bowed and their eyes were closed.

Good they're praying he thought. I'll just slip into the class and the teacher won't even know that I was late. He quietly walked in hoping that the boy who was leading prayer was particularly long winded today.

"And Lord please bless our teachers today as they teach us about your word and your plan for our lives." A fifteen year old Asian boy named Daniel prayed at the front with his head bowed. The teacher stood behind him with her head bowed as well. "And be with us throughout the day." The boy's voice squeaked as he spoke eliciting smirks from the other students. Carey sat in his seat moments before he said Amen.

Made it he thought.

"Thank you Daniel." The teacher who was in her mid forties who stood five two said as the boy returned to his seat. She then focused her attention on Carey who was still rejoicing over his cleverness. The raven hair woman then said "Carey Michaels I am happy to see that you decided to join us."

Laughter then erupted across the class and a pained look crossed his face.

Eleanor Craig then said "Alright Carey go to the principal's office and get a late slip."

"But Mrs. Craig I was only a few seconds late." He protested.

"Late is late Carey now go to the office." She said firmly.


She quickly cut him off. "Go now." Her hazel eyes narrowed cutting into him.

"Whatever." Carey spat as he got up from his seat. Daniel Sato shot him a dirty look showing his disapproval of his behavior. Carey glared back at him and the boy shook his head in dismay.

Butt kissing little jerk Carey thought as he made his way to the front of the class.

"Be sure to hurry back." Craig said to him.

The words I won't went through his mind but instead he said "Yes ma'am."

I hate this place he thought as he walked out of room. I can't wait to get out of this stupid school and away from all these stupid people.

As he walked down the hall he contemplated forging a slip so he could avoid the office. It would not be difficult. He had seen his brother Jimmy do it hundreds of times over the last couple of years. He was certain that a friend of his had a couple pads hidden in his locker that he could use. Just sign the slip, give it to Mrs. Craig and I would not have endure another torturous lecture from the secretary. And Mrs. Craig would be none the wiser.

At least that's what I thought last year he mused when I attempted to forge my mom's name on a test. Unfortunately my forgery skills were not as good as I thought and I was quickly busted. He was grounded for two weeks and had to spend a week in detention.

He then sighed as he thought I guess I will just go to the stupid office and get a stupid late pass from the stupid secretary. This is all stupid Julie's fault he grumbled. If it wasn't for her and her constant need to meddle in my life I could have met Tracey sooner and I would not have been late for class.
He gritted his teeth as he thought how he could not stand her.

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