Book of Deep Trouble Chapter II Ricky and Julie

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"I wonder where Carey disappeared to." Julie Michaels Carey's twin said as she negotiated her way down the hall and through the mass of humanity. For such a little school the halls could be quite crowded. She stood five six, had long brown hair, and brown eyes. She wore a white blouse and a black skirt that was one inch below the kneecap per the school rules.

Fourteen year old Ricky Michaels shrugged his shoulders as he said "Who cares." Ricky like his brothers was slender built and light complicated. His hair was dark brown and his face round shaped like Julie's while their other siblings were angular in shape. He stood five nine making him the tallest of the three boys. A fact that he relished in.

"As long as he is not around me I could care less where he is." His voice was filled with pain and bitterness as he spoke.

A shocked expression crossed Julie's face as she said "Come on Ricky you don't mean that."

Don't tell me what I don't mean he thought. A snarl formed on his mouth as he said "Yes I do mean that. Carey is nothing but a jerk and a troublemaker and I am tired of him always making our family look bad."

"You're exaggerating." Julie said. "He does not make our family look bad."

He then spat. "Well he does not make our family look good, does he?"

"And how does your attitude right now make our family look?" Julie said in a scolding tone.

Ricky then looked away and muttered "I don't care."

Julie was about to say something when she heard someone call her name. She turned to see a girl with long red hair and hazel eyes walking towards them. "Hey Donna." She said to one of her closest friends at the school.

"Hey Julie." The fifteen year olds eyes then lit up as she said "Hi Ricky."

Ewww gross Julie thought.

"Hi." He then turned to Julie and said "I'll see you later."

"Okay." Julie said as she shot her brother a concerned look.

"See you Donna." Ricky said awkwardly as he walked past them.

A look of disappointment crossed Donna's face as she said "Bye." She then looked at Julie her eyes mirroring her concern. "What is wrong with him." A question that been echoed by many of the people at the school since the school year began. He was not the happy, joyful kid he had been last year.

The two began to walk towards their homeroom as they greeted other students who passed them hall. "He's in a bad mood."

"He's been in a bad mood ever since school started." Donna said.

"I know." Julie said. "I think he is mad at himself for what happened last year and all the fall out that followed."  She grimaced as she thought about the stuff that came out about what her brothers had been involved in. Especially Jimmy. And how their parents reacted.

"He needs to get over that." Donna said with a smile. "He and your other brothers made a mistake. He's not going to do himself any good by constantly kicking himself over it."

"I agree." Julie said.

"Your brother is a great guy."
Julie's discomfort levels began to rise insidevger.

"And he is very good looking." Julie cringed in response. Yes it was true that Ricky like her other two brothers was a very handsome boys but she did not need her one of her best friends mentioning it. "But his perpetual sour look is really turning a lot of people off."

She then grinned as she said "And he is way too cute to have that scowl on his face."

"Please stop." Julie said shooting her an uncomfortable look. "Seriously stop."

Donna then sighed "Okay I will stop mentioning how cute your brother is."

"You know that he is a year younger than you right."

"Technically eleven months." Donna said.

"I really hate that you know that."

Donna could not help but laugh.

"But seriously I think that he's convinced that Carey and Jimmy have ruined his testimony at school."

"That's silly." Donna then shook her head wondering how Ricky got that idea in his head.

"You tell him that because he is not listening to me." Julie said with frustration in her voice.

"I think I will." A mischievous grin grew across her face. "After I tell him how cute of a smile he has."

Julie let an exasperated sigh as she said "Come on let's get to homeroom." She eyed the clock which showed that they had less than a minute.

Ricky slowly walked into his class with his head down and his shoulders slumped. He was greeted by his smiling home room teacher who he managed to say a weak hi to. The twenty four year old woman gave his arm a rub as she tried to give him a word of encouragement. Unfortunately her well meaning words fell on deaf ears.

He then walked to the back of the class passing his fellow students who engaged in conversations. He made it to his seat and slumped down as he felt an all too familiar heavy weight seemed to be crushing down on his shoulders.

Ricky found himself hoping that the day would pass quickly and he could go home and hide himself from the world. 

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