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The following morning, Laxus woke from a shallow and restless sleep on the cold hard floor of the castle. He was startled by the sight of the demon looming over him, studying him.

"Are you finally gonna let me out of here so we can settle this like men?" Laxus asked.

"You don't see me as a man. Only as a monster," the demon's distorted voice made Laxus feel sick. He couldn't argue with that statement. The demon retreated back to his throne from which he observed his prey.

"So... who are they?" Laxus asked, gesturing to the stained glass, trying to make conversation. "Those are real people in there, right?"

"I think... I think they were my... friends?" The word "friends" was the last thing that Laxus had expected to hear and sounded especially wrong coming out of the demon's mouth.

"Some friend you are," Laxus muttered.

"What was that?"

"If that's how you treat your friends, I can't wait to see what you have in store for me," the knight said sarcastically, his cocky optimism returning.

The light emanating from the hole in the demon's chest grew brighter and pulsed rapidly. "You know nothing," he said angrily.

"So what did your 'friends' call you?" Laxus asked flippantly, ignoring the creature's growing anger. "You must have a name, right?"

"No. I don't."

"Huh? Then what do people call you?"

"No one is calling me anything now," he gestured to the stained glass. After a pause he added, "I think I had a name at some point. I can't remember it now though and it is not important," as he spoke, his tone grew angrier.

"It really bothers you doesn't it?"

"Do not mock me, human."

"Geez, don't be so sensitive. I wasn't-" The demon waved his hand and the runes glowed, causing Laxus to fall asleep mid sentence.

Heart of a Monster (Fraxus Fantasy AU)Where stories live. Discover now