Television Cheat pt.5

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Halo! I think after this part, the next one will be the last because I can't have this series going forever! I'll admit this is probably one of my most favorite series's I've ever written😂 Anyway, Enjoy!

In a panic I looked at a clock on the wall to see Risa was like 5 hours early from work! My first thought was what she's doing back so early. I didn't have time to think and I just started putting all of her stuff back as neatly as they were before. As I finished putting the last folder together, I could hear her calling my name obviously looking for me. I opened the door just a little bit; trying to see where she was. I didn't see her anywhere upstairs so I crept out and tried going to my room which was right across from this room. As I was tiptoeing over there, I could hear her starting to come up the stairs. I started to panic and ran to the room closest to me. It took me a sec to look around but I ended up in the bathroom. As I was looking around, I heard my door opening.
"Heyyyy sweetie! What are you doing in here?" I told her that I found a rag in my room and was just coming to the bathroom to put it up. She bought my response since there were a few rags in there. I then asked her what she was doing back so early. "Oh there was a delay in something we were doing so they sent some of us home." I responded with ok but to be honest a part of me didn't believe her.
   She asked if I was hungry and I lied saying yes. She then went into the kitchen and I followed. As she was preparing something for both of us to eat, I decided to ask her about her work. I just couldn't get it out of my head. I asked her, "Hey um you've never told me where you work or more specifically  what you do. So where do you work?"
   At first she paused, as if she had a weird idea pop into her head. It was obvious my question set her off a bit. She slowly placed my plate down and turned around. "Well's kind of hard to explain. It's just like this small little business. Don't worry about it!"
   She smiled at me like there was absolutely nothing suspicious with what just happened. She gave me my plate and went back to make herself one. So it's official. She's obviously trying to cover up the fact that she works with Jungkook. Then again, I still don't know exactly what. Who knows; she could be a prostitute or an actress. Whatever she does it's obvious she's trying to keep it secret. I'm now even wondering if Risa could even be my friend at this point!

Jungkook POV
I arrived at the bar with Taehyung waiting at in front of the door. "Hey man! How long has it been?" He said that in such a happy tone that I felt kind of bad for him because I felt like shit. My freak out at work must've taken a bit of energy out of me. Taehyung saw my week smile and smiled back. "Don't worry. I'll get you a water."
Taehyung got a beer and as promise he got me water. I knew he knew I was pooped. "So what's the problem between you and Y/n?" I took a big deep breath because I knew I was gonna be talking forever. I told him everything. How she caught me and my secret job, how I don't know where she went and how beat up I've been about it.
After my ramble, he also took a deep breath a gave me his response. "Look man, I honestly think that you need to just talk to her. Explain everything to her. I'm sure she'll listen once you get all your thoughts together. I honestly think it's best that you text her, find out where she is and talk to her."
   I was honestly happy with the response mainly because I was expecting him to scold me about the whole thing. I was actually feeling really good now! I nodded back at him and told him I'd make sure to text her or call her tomorrow. I was starting to feel a bit anxious because I was thinking about how everything would go down for tomorrow and I guess it was super bad cause Taehyung noticed. "Hey don't be so worried. I'm sure the convo will be just fine." I nodded back at him and tried my best to focus on having a bit of fun and keep it out of my head.

   It's now dark outside and while typing up something on my laptop, Risa came in. "Hey. When are you going to go to sleep?"
   I looked at the time and realized it's 10pm. I lied that I was done with the stuff on my laptop. She told me good night and that she was going to sleep to make sure she wakes up on time for work tomorrow. I told her good night and asked her to shut my door. After she left, I closed my laptop and started thinking if I should stay here or not. It's been like two days since I last saw Jungkook. Maybe I really should have let him explain. He was crying when I left so maybe he'll let me back in? Or he's still mad at me? Has he ever been mad about me?! Ugh! All I can think about now is Jungkook. I think he'll let me in. I mean I have no other place to go and if going back there backfires, I can back here like nothing happened. Risa doesn't need to know.

💖Time Skip💖

   It's almost midnight. I decided to try going back with Jungkook and have him explain everything. We can't stay separated forever. But first, I have to make sure Risa was asleep like she said she would be. I guess I waited long enough cause she normally leaves her door opened and this time was no exception. I took a peak.....and there she was; sleeping like a baby.
   I crept downstairs and carefully opened the door to make sure I don't wake Risa up. It was a little chilly outside but it wasn't that bad. I got in my car and started driving. I really hope this works out.....and that he's home.

Jungkook POV
   I was able to chat with Taehyung a little longer considering I wasn't going to work tomorrow. My manager is probably going to kill me but oh well. I can't be around Risa or else she'll end making me do something I'll regret.
   I start driving home and start thinking about Y/n again. I wonder if she'll accept my apology for not telling her anything. I really wanted to tell her but I got all scared that because of my job she'd leave me and then I just.....! I just....chickened out. I really don't deserve her. Maybe it's best if she dates someone who doesn't get scared easily.
   I finally get home and I walk in and start realizing how much of Y/n is still here. The pictures, the memories, even her clothes. Her jacket lay on the couch and I'm just wishing she was here. Damn.....I'm a real mess without her huh..? I snap out of my thinking from hearing the doorbell ring. I think it's strange for someone to be out this late but I open it anyway.
   Wait........I actually had to blink like twice to make sure my eyes aren't tricking me! "Y/N!?

   Ayyyyy we in part 5! I'm seriously surprised with all the reads and notifications I get everyday. Like it means so much to me. Thank you so much. Anyway like I said in the last part, I'll make like maybe 2 more chapters and then finish it off. I'm trying to think of a smut scene for the last chapter.😈 Welp, see you next Sunday! I Love UwU! 🌺💜💜💜💜

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