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Authors Note: This is a work of fiction, nothing in this has happened or will happen, I'm just a horny simp, that is all.

Now why would the number two ranked R6 team in the world, a team with five Brazilian's sign a nineteen year old British ranked star?

The team, formerly NiP but now signed to 100Thieves, consisted of five players, Psycho, Julio, Kamikaze, Pino and Muzi, and while rumours of them signing for 100T were flying around, there was nothing about them signing a foreign player, moving him to the US to be with the team and replace their in game leader.

Well first of all, he could speak both Portuguese and Spanish, so that was the first box checked, secondly, he had shown himself to be very capable of calling mid round strategy on attack, and lastly, he could play Montagne insanely well, which Psycho was also extremely good at.

As for Psycho, he had transitioned into their coach full time, which allowed him to still have a direct impact on the team without playing, and he was also an incredibly good motivator and strat caller.

As for the team in general, they weren't in the NA Lan league or in the NA Challenger League either, however, after the roster had won both the August and November Majors, this meant that they had already qualified for the next Six Invitational and were now able to spend more time perfecting their playing style with their newest addition.

As for the roles, Kamikaze was still on his usual support role, Julio was still the flex/secondary support player, but whereas Pino would flex onto hardbreach and support on some of the larger maps, Y/N had taken up that responsibility and given Pino a more fragging type role, because he was very capable, while Muzi remained on entry and fragging role for the team.

They all lived together in a team house in LA for the moment so they could use the 100Thieves CashApp facility, and the five brazilians on the team and the popularity of R6 meant that 100Thieves had a lot of brand new fans from Brazil.

Though it was December now, and the player break was in effect, so they had all the time in the world to practice and be ready for the Six Invitational in February, they were also invited to the NA FPL circuit on Siege on account they were top of the Six Invitational points standings, it meant they wouldn't have to play ranked all day to improve and they could play with other pro players.

And since it was December, that meant new christmas merch, and who better to model than the two players from their recently acquired Siege roster, both Kamikaze and Y/N were doing the modelling, mainly because they were objectively the best looking, and Y/N could translate for Kamikaze since he wasn't fluent in English.

They had been with the org for just over a month, and in that time, they had all been encouraged to stream more, though it wasn't a requirement, they were all given space and the resources to do so, and in return, they were constantly promoted by the org and even streamed with some of their more popular streamers to teach them how to play Siege.

That's how he met her, through both him and Julio teaching the 100T streamers how to play Siege, and she had no idea that he spoke Spanish, because she seemed genuinely shocked when she said something and he replied back.

Though when they met in person, there was a physical attraction between them, there was just one problem, she had a boyfriend, and while it felt very wrong what they were doing in secret, he couldn't help it, he had been eighteen for two months, and he was very horny.

They were at the 100T content house doing the photoshoots for the new Christmas merch, it was Y/N, Kamikaze, Courage, Valkyrae, BrookeAB and Neekolul doing the modelling, and after Y/N and Neeko had done their photoshoots, they had both snuck away upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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