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This is courtesy of escanorthelionsin

In my darkest hours,
You are my light.
In my worst fears,
You are my courage.
In my hopeless thoughts,
You are my hope.
In my saddest dreams,
You are my joy.
When I am nothing,
You are my everything.

I want you to know that this person is out there. I want you to find this person. I want you to tell them just how important they are to you. And I want you to remember: you are not alone. You are NEVER alone. There will always be that one person you can always trust. You can always lean on them. You may not see them now, but they are there. They can help you. You just need the courage to ask.

Now you may say, "What if I can't ask? What if I don't have the courage to ask?"

The answer is, you can. I know you can. Well, I don't know you specifically, but I know you're human. You're strong. You're brave. And you CAN do this. Because you're human. And humans grow stronger with each obstacle they face.

So please, keep fighting. For the people you love. For the ones who love you. For those special people closest to your heart. For the one who holds the key to your love. Because they are there. And you will find them. Fight. For the people who give you hope. For one day, you will give hope to others.

A small droplet of hope
Can bring even the faintest light to life
In the eternal sea of darkness

I believe in that statement. I believe that when the smallest light will shine of you help it. And I believe that everyone has that potential. Everyone can protect a spark of hope. Everyone can get through the darkness. Everyone. Even you. Yes, you. The reader. If you're reading this, you probably need to head these words. You can get through this. You WILL get through this.

I believe in you.

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