•Chapter 8• Buried alive

Start from the beginning

When he stood behind his trial stand, he looked around at everyone's faces as they looked at everyone else. This time, no one seemed to speak first.

"So, let's look through the evidence. It was someone who had access to the garden, and it was before T and Rebecca got to the garden, right?" Rosie blurted out, everyone looking around again.

"Yeah, there was also the way the guy was buried, and the bouquet and box of chocolates. I think it was someone asking for someone's love, who was immediately rejected and killed. That sound about right?" Chloe asked in response, the others racking their brains for information.

"I have two things to say!" Marvin blurted out. Everyone rolled their eyes. "I have valuable information I would like to share with you all for this case."

T nodded slightly as if to cue him in.

"So, I was given a box of chocolates by someone who I'm not really fond of, so I decided to give it to Rick instead. It was to apologise for being rude about his trial, which I thought was necessary. I found Bluebell and asked if she had seen Rick, and she blew up on me saying I would only upset him more. She threw the bouquet and slapped me, I dropped the chocolates and the victim intervened, at which I ran away. I don't mean to sound rude, but I think it was the chocolate-haired pipsqueak of a Butler who committed it, or Bluebell."

With that Vincent spun around to look at Marvin, who he hasn't really payed much attention to. A look of stone cold anger played on his face, his knuckles turning white from the grip as he held his trail stand.

"Hey! How dare you say anything! You have no right to call me a pipsqueak just because you feel like it! Oh and before you suggest I'm the murderer, I would suggest that he is! How can we trust him?" Vincent replied, his complexion sweatier as he concentrated.

"You can ask Bluebell in my defence. And your sweating doesn't help you in this situation." Marvin snapped back. T looked around, finding Denise had her hand up.

"My dear child, this isn't a classroom. You have permission to speak freely." Tom said in his kindest voice possible. Denise nodded, clearing out her throat, everyone looking in her direction. She hasn't spoke since she got there, so it was a wonder what her voice sounded like.

"Well, I say we should look at the evidence. The box of chocolates means practically nothing to us now, and neither does the bouquet. But it's Marvin's statement and the way the victim was found that we need to really focus on and analyse." Her seemingly innocent but croaky voice was not really what people were expecting, but for T, she delivered important and valid information, and that was enough for him.

"That's quite true Denise. Now, the body had its head sticking out over the top of the soil, but it had its mouth and nostrils covered up, which is quite interesting. The arms were also put in a Y formation. Bluebell, can you confirm Marvin ran off after you slapped him?" Bluebell was slightly sweating, and she nodded in response. Her knuckles had turned white with the grip she had on her trial stand.

"Great, so now that's been cleared out, can you stop blaming me?" Marvin asked, Tom cackling with his usual laugh.

"Come on, solve those already! I mean, there's a clue right in front of you! There's one person here who looks as nervous as anything, and Marvin? Could you please make someone nervous? I'm hungry for drama." Tom asked.

With a sigh, Vincent pointed over at someone. Just anyone to get this over with. As he looked at who he was pointing at, he could tell he probably wouldn't need a lot of evidence to convince everyone that they were the culprit.

"I say it's Bluebell. I mean, most of the evidence we have so far points to her. She's a florist, a good one too. The way she killed the person was like she planted them, right? I mean, couldn't she have just thrown them in a hole and covered them over?" Vincent asked, a growl coming from Bluebells way.

"Of course I couldn't have you idiot! Don't you know that would have ruined my plants growth? I don't want to dig them up just to throw someone into a hole and cover them up, I have to make them become a plant." Bluebell replies in a mater-of-factly way. Before she realised what she said, Tom's cackles could be heard and everyone had processed the words she had spoke.

"So it is you. Huh. I kind of thought you would have been the only person who would try their hardest not to touch a single weapon." Rick said, sighing and looking the other way. With that, Bluebell screeched.

"Don't you know how hard it is for me?! I was respecting your honour by stopping someone from getting in your way, and you pay me back with this?! How could you?!" Tom laughed.

"Well, unfortunately you don't have an alibi, you don't even have proof to back up your side of the arguement, so I say we have a little bit of a show. What do you say?" Tom asked, Bluebells eyes widening. She didn't want to have to watch someone else suffer for her, no matter what she did to deserve it.

Her and another randomly picked student was plucked from their trial stands, and launched away. The picked student screeched as they beheld the sight.

An oversized beast of a spider scuttled towards her, making her scramble to her feet and run as fast as she could away. For a split second she looked back, not realising what was in front of her. She became entangled in a web, more and more bugs of all kind squirming around with her. As the student looked back, a few more spiders emerged, and they were starving. Tom cackled as he made the others watch the gruesome sight of the girl being ripped apart.

Once the beasts had been warded off, the sight that beheld the students was frightening. A dead body had been scattered around the floor, some parts still attached to the well made web above it. T ran from the scene, searching for Bluebell. He found her sprawled on the ground in the middle of the aviary, the birds surrounding her like they were apart of a cult of some sort.

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