Chapter 11: Problems at Home

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" Hey you alright?" I asked.

Zero stood as the car was being loaded. His jaw was set and his arms were crossed over his chest. He looked to the floor before up at me.

"I'm glad it's you. Promise me you'll keep her safe," he grumbled stiffly.

"Yeah man I'll keep her safe. You should take this time to clear things up at the order. They're not too happy you've been gone so long," I suggested pulling my friend into a hug.

"Mr. Zero it is time to go." The driver spoke interrupting us.

"Watch this guy make sure your fowl personality doesn't make him drive you off of a cliff side or anything," I smirked.

"Yeah they all hate me here. They will drive me anywhere to get me away from Yuki," he sighed slipping into the car. Right before the door closed a voice range out from the porch.

"Wait!" Yuki came running down the stairs and threw her arms around Zero. He closed his eyes and held her. She told him a few things and he nodded.

"I love you," she said breaking the hug and looking at him.

"Yeah I love you too," wow he nearly smiled.

I turned to give the pair privacy and I really didn't want to see their sweet fair well.

Yuki stepped away from the car and we both watched it roll away from the large mansion house.

Yuki stayed quiet and watched the road long after the car had left her eyesight.

"Come on Yuki lets go inside." I said stiffly escorting her up the steps.

"Kaito, will Zero be alright?" She asked.

"Yes Yuki he will be just fine," I had to stifle a stubborn laugh that rose within me. This little girl was supposed to be the heiress of the mighty Kuran clan. She was no more than a scared child. A child? She was the mother of probably one of the most dangerous things on the planet. She was carrying a baby that was born of the origin to the Kuran clan.

She would always have to look after this baby. It would never be safe.


All I could do was look out the window.

"Be safe and come back. Things are happening at cross academy. Remember the name Kirei Iida."
That's what Yuki told me before I left.

How could I be leaving when she was so obviously in danger? The car slowly made its way back to cross academy. There I was met by a not so friendly face.

She was a red headed girl a few years my junior. She had crazy curly hair and piercing cold blue eyes, nearly like stone. She had recently joined the council of hunters and had not warmed up to anyone yet.

"Finally decide to make an appearance?" She scoffed cooly.

"Sorry I've been a little preoccupied," I spat back.

She rolled her eyes obviously not liking my excuse. "Well now that you're back you need to catch up on what you've missed."

"How much could I have missed?" I scoffed.

"You're joking right. The threat of vampires doesn't just go away. It's a constant struggle and unless we keep them in check every second of the day we can't be certain that anyone will be safe.

I walked passed the girl and onto the dorms. She followed with a huff.
"Are you even listening to me asshole?" She bellowed.

"No I'm doing something productive and going to set up a meeting." I sighed.

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