Chapter 6: Going All Out!!

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The first day of training camp comes to a close as it was time for everyone to rest. While the guys stayed in the gym, the girls got to stay inside the club room since it was just the two of them.

"Finally we got time to ourselves, just us girls!" Umeno lied on the layed out bedding as Haruko was sitting cross leg next to her. "After a long day of dealing with the boys, we just need a break from them."

"I agree~" Haruko smiled as she looked around the room. "Luckily the guys were nice enough to clean up the club room."

"Y-You say nice enough, but..." Umeno remembered the incident earlier.



The girls entered the club room with all their stuff, only to see that it was a mess inside. The tackle bags were out and about, the books from the shelf sprawled all over the ground. Not to mention, the guys changed in here before the girls came so it smelled.

"U-Umeno-san..." Haruko turned to Umeno with a grim look. "Are we...really sleeping here?"

Umeno nodded with a sweat-drop as they continued to stare as though it'll go away the more they look at it. When a few minutes have passed and the mess still there, Haruko pinched her nose before letting out a sigh.

"There is no way we can stay here for the night." She placed her stuff down before heading to the door. "I'm going over to the guy's area and have them clean up their own mess."

Umeno looked at her worried. "How are you going to do that?"

"Easy...Wait outside Umeno-san..." Umeno had to rub her eyes cause she thought there were devil horns coming out of Haruko's head. "I know a sure fire way for them to come over. And once they get here, they will clean up their own mess."

While Umeno stood outside the club room, Haruko began to walk to the gym where all the guys were being rowdy. As she stood outside the door, she did not know that Gion has initiated a pillow fight inside so when she opened the door, a pillow smacked her face.


The room was immediately silenced as the pillow slowly fell from Haruko's as they watch the smile that she had on her face twitch.

"Crap! You hit Aoyama-san!"

"Me!? You were the one who dodged it!"

Haruko ignored the chatter as she was looking for her victims. Once her eyes landed on them, she walked over as everyone continue to watch her. She then stops in front of her main victim.

"Hey, Hirota-senpai..." She said with a sickly sweet accent. "Me and Umeno-san brought some snacks and we had some extra snacks that we can't finish..."

"Crap..." Iwashimizu looked to Gion who had a grim look on his face. "She's mad."

"Mad? She doesn't seem mad." He looked at Gion confused.

"No no, trust me. When she talks like that, someone must have done something." Gion's body shivered as he watched Hirota as well as a few other members asking for the snacks.

"Then can you guys come with me, there are so many snacks I can't carry them by myself." Haruko said walking to the door as the guys agreed as they walked behind her.

Once they got to the club room, Haruko let the guys go in first and when they all got in, she quickly slammed the door and jammed it shut with a broom.

Jinko's Medic (All Out!! Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant