Extra Chapter 4.5: After Game Celebration

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"Good game, guys! Cheers!"

After the game, the two teams had gotten changed back into their school uniforms as they raised their cups in cheers for the end of the practice match. As everyone was talking to each other, Haruko, Gion and Umeno watched everyone being friendly to each other.

"What is this?" Gion looked around amazed.

"It's called the After Match Function! Once the match is over we're no longer opponents so we throw a party where everyone gets to eat and drink and chat together!" Umeno explained as her attention redirected to Rie who had other girls behind her.



Umeno left to talk with the Keijo managers leaving Gion and Haruko to look at her.

"Those girls..." Haruko looked at all the girls who gather behind Rie. "The rugby club must be popular here."

"Aren't you gonna go with them, since you are a manager?" Gion looked at the managers who gathered before turning to Haruko.

"I would, but this time is for Umeno-san to catch up with her friend." Haruko looked around as she spoke. "For now I want to eat since I haven't eaten in a while. Come with me."

She pulled Gion's arm as she walked to the rice ball table passing Gion some to eat. As she carried a rice ball in her hand, she began to look around at all the members interacting. They passed by Kamo who was commentary for the arm westle competition.

"Hey! Kanagawa sub!" Someone called out to Gion. "Wanna go next?!"

Gion flinched as he grabbed Haruko's arm dragging her away from there. "No way!"

As Gion dragged her through the room, she saw Oharano chatting with the wing player from Keijo talking about exchanging email addresses, in which he lied about having a smartphone as he texted in front of him.

"Everyone is so lively after the game huh, Gion?" She turned to Gion who was mumbling as he walked around the room holding a rice ball in his left hand and Haruko's arm in the other.

"Oh Gion look..." Haruko pulled Gion to a stopped as she looked forward. "It's Iwashimizu-san and Atsushi-san."

It was like she summon them, because after she said their names the two started to walk towards them.

"Gion what-kun!?" Atsushi turned to Iwashimizu as they stopped in front of the two.

Iwashimizu turned to Atsushi with a sweat-mark. "Uh...Kenji-kun...?"

"W-What are they talking about?" She turned to Gion who watch the situation unfold.

"Kenji! What's your email address!?" Atsushi ran in front of Gion as he held out his smart phone.

Gion was surprised as he let go of Haruko jumping back surprised. "Who the heck are you!?"

"Gion, you just played a game against him." Gion turned to Haruko who stood next to Sumiaki. "Remember, the one that you couldn't tackle the whole game."

"Shut up baba!" He looked at Haruko before turning back to Atsushi.

"Oh you are that manager from Jinko!" Atsushi looked at Haruko and Iwashimizu. "What is your name!"

"H-Huh? A-Aoyama..." She looked at him confused.

He shook his head as he disagreed with the answer. "No, no!" Your first name!"

"Oh, it's Haruko, Atsushi-san." She held the rice ball up to her mouth as she took a bite out of it."

"Haruko! Let's exchange email addresses too!" He was about to lean towards her before Gion grabbed his collar pulling him back. "Also call me Miyuki!"

"Who gave you permission to call her by her first name!" He pulled Atsushi next to him as he growled at his interaction.

"Oh sorry sorry..." Atushi faced Gion as he managed to grab the two people's phones exchanging their numbers. "You were great at the end! I love that kind of passion! Sorry about before the match with Sumiaki, I thought you were picking on him."

"Well...he isn't wrong about that..." Haruko glanced at Gion while Iwashimizu had a blank look on him.

"We'll just say that it was Sumiaki's fault-"

"Make room for me, too, Miyuki!"

Before Atsushi could finish his sentence, someone aka Taira grabbed his head and jumped on top of him pushing Iwashizu to the side away as Gion stood next to Haruko.

"S-So loud..." Haruko face turn grim as she stared at Taira who was yelling at Iwashimizu if he wanted to transfer to Keijo.

As Gion looked around the room, he turned to Atsushi. "Are all functions like this?"

As Atsushi nodded at Gion, his face lighten up as he was grinning from the answer. "This is fun!"

Taira turned his focus to Gion as he tackled Gion into a hug facing Sekizan. "Hey, Sekizan! Gimme this cutie!"

"Not in a million years!" Sekizan said as he took a bite out of his rice ball.

"Oh..." Taira let go of Gion as he thought of a idea. "Then maybe I'll transfer to Kanagawa..."

"No Way!" "Please don't..."

So this chapter is super short, the reason being is that this is a chapter that is only seen in the manga and not the anime, which I am so SAD to not see cause this part was so funny and wholesome as all the teams interacted with each other after the match. Don't worry, a actual chapter will be release tomorrow but I hope you enjoy this extra chapter.

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