December 24, 2019

Start from the beginning

"It would depend on whether the company I get a job with does residential work. I could end up in the commercial end of things," Ceci replied politely.

"Oh come now," Lisa said. "You've told Shawn for years that you would design his dream house. Couldn't you do it on the side?"

"I suppose, if I had time."

"Fiona, surely you don't want a home with that ultra-modern furniture that looks like it would hurt to sit on," my mum said.

"But that aesthetic so striking!" Fiona answered. "I think I'd prefer a home that looks good rather than one that feels good. We could always have a hidden room full of comfy pieces that we spent our time in. Wouldn't that be cute, Shawn?"

"I'd prefer to be able to sit on my living room sofa," I said with a forced chuckle.

"I will admit, the one at the condo is a dream to fall asleep on. Last night Shawn had to carry me to the bedroom because I'd conked out completely while we watched that silly old movie with the angel and the man who wants to jump off the bridge."

Aaliyah gasped. "The angel's name is Clarence and he's amazing! He convinces George Bailey that his life was worth living!"

Clarence. That made me think of Clarence Square and my confession of love for the woman sitting to my right. Had I felt her bristle when my sister said the name or was that my imagination?

"Oh I'm sure he was," Fiona said. "I was just so tired after spending the day walking around Toronto. Shawn is an amazing tour guide. I loved the Christmas Market."

"Which did you go to?" Lisa asked.

"The one in the historic distillery district," I told her.

"It was fun because we got to stop and have drinks as we shopped!" Fiona said.

"I saw that the two of you were photographed," my mum said. "I think I read one article that said you are 2019's hottest celebrity couple."

Fiona clapped her hands. "I love that! We do make a cute pair, if I do say so myself!"

Next to me, Ceci's chair scraped loudly as she abruptly got up. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go start the tea and coffee for dessert."

I wanted to help clear the table so that I could attempt a conversation with Ceci, but Fiona hooked her arm through mine, essentially keeping me captive at the table.

Later, I managed to get a second alone with her in the kitchen while Fiona used the restroom. Ceci was putting leftovers in the refrigerator and everyone else was in the family room.

"This is a little weird, eh?" I said in a forced lighthearted tone.

She spun around and spoke in a low voice. "Don't talk to me. I'm only here because I had to be, but I'll be damned if I'm going to make nice when no one else is around."

"I hate that we're like this," I whispered.

"This is how we're going to be from now on. I really hope you move to L.A. with her and just fucking stay there!"

"You don't mean that. I know you're mad, and you have every right to be. I'm really sorry about what happened, but at some point you need to try to forgive me. We're best friends!"

"No, we're not!" she said before closing the fridge and exiting the room to join everyone else.

"You and Ceci aren't particularly chummy for two people who've been best friends for most of their lives," Fiona observed when we were curled up in my childhood bed later that night. We'd decided it was easier to stay in Pickering than to drive back and forth.

"We grew apart. I was gone a lot and then she went off to college. I think it's pretty normal for that kind of thing to happen," I lied.

"But you're still close to all the guys."

I'd invited Brian, Matt, and Ian to the condo for drinks over the weekend. Fiona knew Brian from tour, but she hadn't met my other friends. They seemed a little in awe of her at first, but eventually they relaxed and we had a good night.

"It's different because...well because they are guys. Wouldn't you think it was weird if Ceci and I were super close?" I asked.

"I'd be insanely jealous! She's a gorgeous lass, so I'm quite pleased you're distant now. I can see why Brian loves her. She has that girl-next-door appeal that men are often drawn to."

"Not me," I said as I rolled on top of her. "I prefer the girl-from-Ireland look."

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