chapter 2

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chiara didn't get much sleep that night. The thought of marriage haunted her ever since lunch. She sighed and crawled out of her four-poster bed and slipped on a silk robe. The princess tip-toed across the room, careful not to wake Felicia, who was snoring softly, and went out onto their balcony overlooking half the kingdom.

Chiara placed her elbows on the railing and plopped her head on her hands as she looked up at the night sky, only to see a single star in the middle of the dark atmosphere, besides the moon.

She closed her eyes and whispered:

Starlight, star bright

First star I see tonight.

I wish I may

I wish I might,

Have this wish

I wish tonight.

"I wish I could be free from this place, dammit! I want to have a peaceful life where I can be myself and make my own decisions. Please, give me a week, day, hour, MINUTE!! Anything!"

Tears started flowing down her cheeks, which surprised her since she hasn't cried ever since the brutal attack on her kingdom which cost her parents' lives so long ago.

That just made her cry even more.

Chiara slumped to the ground and put her back against the railing of the balcony and closed her eyes.

"Wishes never come true anyways, " she said, before staring up at the night sky.


'Mio dio,' Chiara thought angrily as Isabel pulled two corset strings, forcing the princess to suck in her stomach.

"Quit squirming, Lovi~!" Isabel said, tying the strings in a tiny bow.

Chiara grunted as her servant carefully pulled the princess's gorgeous pale pink, floor length gown off a mannequin and over the princess herself. After adjusting the gown a bit, Isabel pushed some of her brown hair away from her face and stepped back to look over Chiara.

"Oh, Chiara, you look so hermoso!" She said.

Chiara was surprised Isabel used her real name for once. 'She must really meant what she said, then,' She thought.

The princess stepped down from the wooden platform she was on just as her grandfather came in.

"Are you ready, Chiara~?" He asked, smiling. Chiara scolded at him but nodded.

"Come along, then," Romulus said, exiting the room, followed by Isabel, who turned back to look at Chiara.

"Everything will be okay, Chiara. I promise," with that, she left as well.

The brunette princess looked at her tiny crown on her dresser, which was placed there by Isabel the night before, and slowly picked it up.

'Everything will be okay' Isabel's words echoed in her head as she carefully placed the tiara on her head.

But, somehow, Chiara knew that everything wouldn't.


The sun was setting on the blue ocean waters, making the sea look like it was on fire.

"A perfect evening to over run the kingdom,' Antonio thought.

He quickly went below deck where the other pirates were drinking rum and chatting.

"All right, everyone! ¡Silencio!" The captain shouted and everyone shut up.

"Okay, we're going to go over the battle tactic once more, ¿Entiendes?" His sailors nodded. Antonio started pacing the room as he talked.

"We know that things might get a bit messy, but just remember to capture the king. Once he's under our control, we'll take over Italia and make it part of our great nation, Spain. We shall use the new armies to defeat others, and hopefully one day take over the world!" The pirates cheered at that.

"What happens if the kind refuses?" One sailor asked.

Antonio replied, "I have thought about this but I think the best solution is to kill him and threaten everyone else." He then started heading out the door before adding,

"Tonight, at midnight, we attack."

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