chapter 4

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FYI: This is a Fem!Romano x Pirate!Spain fanfic with some Fem!Italy x Germany sprinkled on top. Maybe other pairings too, but we shall see as we go on with the story. I hope you enjoy~!

Chiara's head had never been hit harder than it did by that sword, and even though she was passed out, for God knows how long, she could feel the throbbing pain like it was fire from hell.

She finally woke up to the sound of shouting and cursing. Groggily, she sat up from the ridiculously hard surface she had been placed upon.

'Where the hell am I?' She thought, observing her surroundings. The princess appeared to have slept in a warehouse room of some sort, with wooden panel walls and flooring.

Chiara began to stand up when suddenly the room jerked to the left and she fell back on her so called "bed".

'What the...?' She spotted a round window on the opposite wall of the room. Carefully, the princess got up again and went over to see what lay outside the walls. The first and only thing that could be seen for miles was blue sky and .....

Panic swept over Chiara as she stepped away from the window, beginning to feel light headed (A/N: no she's not sea sick XD).

'I'm on a fucking ship??' She thought angrily. 'Since when did this happen?'

Her anger was once again replaced by more panic. She was out in the ocean. Possibly miles away from home.

'Those damn pirates probably brought me here!' Chiara remembered what happened the last time she was conscious.

Suddenly, the door by her plank bed burst opened, making the princess jump and turn around. A horrid looking man with a dirty face, wearing ragged clothing smiled creepily at her, showing a row of crooked teeth. Chiara shivered.

"Hola, chica," he said with a hoarse voice. "The captain demands for your presence on deck."

Chiara frowned deeply.

"Well, looks like that's not gonna happen, now is it, bastard," she said firmly, folding her arms and looking away from is hideous face. The sailor's smile faded as an angry scowl replaced it. He stomped over to Chiara and threw her over his shoulder aggressively.

"WHA-?! HEY! STUPIDO! PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!!" She shouted, hitting the much more burly man on his back repeatedly. He only grunted in response to her constant yelling as he made his way to the deck of the ship.
Captain Antonio smiled to himself as he heard the yells coming from the captive princess of Italy below deck.

'Hopefully she is afraid and will cooperate with my demands,' he thought, hearing the door that leads to the deck open.

"Here she is, Captain," the sailor, dropping the princess carelessly.

"Hey!" She yelled angrily, standing up and locking eyes with the Spanish captain. Her scowl deepened at the sight of him.

"Who the hell are you?" She demanded very rudely, staring him down.

"I am Captain Antonio Fernandez Carriedo of the Guipuzcoano and leader of the Spanish Armada, in place of my deceased father," he introduced, bowing before her. "Welcome aboard mi princessa. No need for you to introduce yourself, I know plenty about you."

Chiara rolled her eyes and grunted in response.

"From now on," he continued, "you will be my slave and follow my rules as long as you are on my ship. If you try even once to escape once we've landed at our next destination you will surely be hunted down by my crew and killed." He bent down to her level so that their faces were inches apart. "And we wouldn't want to kill such a beautiful lady as yourself, now would we?"

Chiara broke her gaze with the pirate, a light blush tinted her cheeks.

'What's wrong with me!? This guy wants to kill me if I escape and I'm blushing!?' She mentally slapped herself as she turned back to him to see he had stepped back.

The princess decided it was wise not to fight against this guy, for her sake and Italy's. He's got a fucking armada for fuck's sake. But that wasn't gonna stop her mouth from running.

"Well, bastard, the thought of death doesn't make me cower in fear like most women you probably take captive, so you're gonna have to think of a better threat than that." Damn mouth. Another mental slap.

Captain Antonio laughed such an innocent laugh it almost made Chiara forget he just threatened to kill her.

"Oh, princessa, well if you're not afraid of your own death, how about the death of others? Like, your sister?" Chiara's heart dropped when he mentioned Felicia.

"You wouldn't!" She shouted, refusing to think of her young sorella's death.

"I killed your grandfather, I think I can kill your precious sister as well."

Chiara could feel tears well up in her eyes, but swore not to let them fall. That would be a sign of weakness, especially in front of this man. She hung her head in defeat.

"I am at your service, Master Antonio," she said reluctantly. This was the only way for this bastard to not go back to Italy so that her sorella would get hurt, and she would risk anything to keep her safe.

Antonio smiled. "Captain. Call me Captain, chica."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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