Chapter One

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"Come on, Maka! We are gonna be late if you're gonna waste time on putting on make-up and stuff!" Soul complained from outside Maka's door.

"One moment!" Maka chuckled as she rolled her eyes at how childish he sounded. She finished packing up some books, extra clothes, a toothbrush, and some other things she might need. Once all of that was done, she took one last look at her outfit in the mirror. Is this fine to wear? Maka looked at herself in her pink tank top and denim shorts, wondering if it was appropriate. She sighs. Well, it's too late to change now anyway, so this will have to do. Maka was nervous as this was going to be her first sleepover, but she was also really excited too.

She wasn't the only one nervous, although maybe the better word to use is worried. Soul, who was impatient waiting for Maka, was getting worried, but for a different reason than his meister. Although he'd never show it, he was worried about Maka. This wasn't her thing, and he didn't want her to have a bad time. When Kid invited them to his sleepover, Soul had told Maka they didn't have to go, but to his surprise, she said she wanted to go and looked excited. I wonder what made her change her mind of these types of things.

As Soul was deep in thought, Maka finally came out of her room with her bag in hand and walked towards him. "Done~" she chimed, snapping Soul back to reality. He looked at her, and instantly his heart started to race. She looked really cute with her hair down and in a casual outfit.

Soul opened the door and calmly said, "Alright. Let's go." as if he wasn't internally freaking out over the girl in front of him. Damn. I need to calm down! This is not cool. Maka, totally oblivious to the turmoil going on in Soul's mind, nodded as she walked past him, and they went on their way.

It took ten minutes for them to reach Kid's house, or more accurately, his mansion. The walk there was filled with small-talk about random things, but that entire time Soul was repeating, I am cool. I am cool. I am cool... to calm himself down. By the time they reached the door, Soul's heart rate was back to normal.

Knocking on the door, Maka and Soul wait for someone to answer. Not even a couple of seconds later, the door swung open as if someone was waiting for them to arrive. Patty stood in front of them, a glint of mischief and something else in her eyes. Soul noticed the look and sensed that something was off, but just as he saw it, the look in her eyes was gone and replaced by Patty's usual goofy, ear to ear smile.

"Yay! You both came!" Patty yanked them both inside, closing the door behind them.

"Thanks for inviting us." Maka beamed, giving off a gorgeous smile. Even though Soul was trying to avoid looking at her, he could tell by her cheerful tone that she was smiling. The image of her brilliant smile flashed in his mind causing his heart to race again. Soul muttered, 'This feeling is not cool..." thinking that no one heard him.

Patty led Maka and Soul to the living room where the others were. Everything was set up with everyone's stuff forming a circle, leaving a gap big enough for two people. In the middle of the circle were snacks and drinks for everyone to share.

As they neared, Patty exclaimed, "Look, big sis! They are here now!" This gathered everyone's attention to them. Everyone greeted Soul and Maka as they made set their stuff down in the space that was left open for them.

At this moment, Soul realized he would have to sleep next to Maka. Usually, this wouldn't be a problem, but recently Soul has been getting these weird feelings and would get on edge whenever he was close to Maka. Shit. This is so not cool. Soul thought.

Once Maka and Soul were settled down with some food and drinks, Black★Star looked at Kid, Liz, and Tsubaki signaling something with a nod. This was when the real fun began.

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