Chapter 1

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That's my plan on what she would look like by the time we reach about year 4 to year 7. Movie version so we know they were clearly older.


"Darling. We have to leave now if you want to catch that train." My brother crossed his arms leaning against the doorway. He's been taking me being a witch pretty hard. It's most likely because he is probably not a wizard himself and he wishes that he was. As far as i know, i'm the first witch in the family. My owl screeched from his cage letting me know that he has lost interest in being in there in the first place.

"Grey. Can you take Flit downstairs?" My brother rolled his eyes walking over to the cage. Flit stretched his wings causing him to wince away before finally grabbing him and walking out the door to put him in the car.

"He will get over the initial shock of this by the time you are home for the holidays." My mother walked over to my trunk tucking a small burlap sack under my robes. "I hope you won't need it but if you do don't use it. I will never want to go to the horrible bank again by myself. From the looks i was given, i was lucky to get out alive the first time."

"Thank you anyway mum." I closed my trunk clasping it shut. The nerves were starting to set in. My mother was nervous too. I could tell. From the books i've read about this place, there is only three true options for me. Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. Although i feel like i can be sorted into the Slytherin house without a second thought. The events that lead me to realizing that i was a witch were not positive. I got so angry at my brother that i set a fire that burnt half a field on fire without using a match or lighter. Once i realized it was me it suddenly stopped in time for my mother to see nothing but the charred grass. I've never been so angry or so scared. My mother wiped a tear from her eye.

"Well lets get going then. You only start wizarding school once." She paused realizing what she had just said. "It will take some time my love." She kissed my forehead turning to walk out the door with my trunk in her hands.


"Are you a real witch or are you one of those Muggle born freaks?" This girl with dark hair and a look in her eyes that tells you that you should be careful had cornered me with the intention of "sniffing out the rejects". I had to think quick.

"A Muggle born? Goodness no. My family is not from England. I will be the first at Hogwarts."

"So where did they go? Beaxbaton? Ilvermorny?" The first sounds too foreign.

"Ilvermorny. Yes, my family came after my parents last year. They were sick of it there." The girl smirked before reaching out her hand.

"Pansy Parkinson." I reached out shaking her hand.

"Aura St. Clair." Pansy stepped aside revealing a compartment with three boys. Two that looked as plain and pin headed as they come. Then the third one. Slightly smaller then the others but he was pale and his hair was almost white and slicked back.

"Join us Aura." I stepped inside lugging my trunk behind me. "These are the boys. Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy. Boys this is Aura St.George." Pansy sat next to the one she referred to as Goyle finishing the statement. "She came from a pure blood family in America. Her parents called it quits and came to raise her in a more sophisticated setting." America. I made the right choice. I put my trunk up before awkwardly taking a seat next to the pale blond boy. He just looked out the window. "Don't pay him too much attention." He looked at her before locking eyes with me.

The Good In Him- Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz