:Dreamscape: Part 15

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+Fifteenth Dream - Uh Oh+

"I'm not calling dad," I snap, arms crossed. Three more of my cats have ganged up on Jason with me, crouching at my feet, sitting on my lap, or standing stiff-legged on the couch arms with their claws unsheathed. He glances around nervously, aware of the threat.

"Why not?" he asks carefully, leaning away as Luna raises her head.

"I don't want to," I growl. "It'd be bad enough to call my parents telling them I wrecked the car, but no! I get to tell them a rogue storm cloud went and shot me off the road with lightning before moving on like nothing happened?! Do I look like the kind of person who would be crazy SAY something like that without expecting therapy?!"

By this time I'm on my feet, anger rising, not just at him but me and the whole situation as well. "And you!" I round on him furiously, "skipping around every question I ask about Dreamers like you're in some kind of ballet! Can't you just answer my questions already?"

Keri, the black Himalayan on the arm of the couch, hisses to add her approval. I nod firmly, sufficiently backed up. Jason looks around at us all.

"Look, Hayley, there's too much to say," he says. "I mean, really. I'm a Dreamer, you're a Dreamer. We need each other to survive the dreams. We were born into the middle of a war, fifteen to one. Isn't that enough?"

"No," I say fiercely, realizing that he counts as one of the faceless Dreamers I don't even know out for my blood. The thought causes a ball of ice to drop into my stomach and stay there. "What about the Dreamreapers, what do they do besides cause hell? And you- are you going to kill me in my sleep or outright? Whose side are you on?!"

"Hayley, if I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead," he says quietly.

"I-" I find myself without words. "Well, that's good, then," I add stupidly. "So, the rest? You're not telling me something big. Now's the time. If you're not here to kill me, you must be here to help, so..." I'm spewing out what I'm thinking. "So, no secrets, right? I need to know, for the millionth time. It's important. I want us to live through this," I finish in a whisper, embarrassed. I wasn't supposed to say that last bit!

"I..." he sighs, defeated, and takes my hand. I don't flinch away from his touch. "I will tell you what you need to know. And you need to know a lot."

I smile faintly. He's going to tell me! But I feel tired and worn, like this was all too much. It took so long to get this out of him, and now... What do I feel?

"You already know," he begins, "that there is one Milepost and thirty- two Dreamers. Only one Dreamer can get Milepost. But, the second that a Dreamer touches that thing, all the other Dreamers-"

A knock on the door interrupts him. I stand up quickly, scattering my cats, and motion for Jason to wait while I go answer it. Cats slither between my legs, slowing my step so I don't tread on anyone's tail. They're all mewing anxiously and I wonder if they don't want me to answer the insistent knocks on my door.

"Move, guys." I shake my foot and they all slip away, still warning me. I sigh, unlock the door, and open it. It's day outside, but the first thing I see is shiny black hair before someone slaps me so hard I take a step back to steady myself.

"Dammit, Hayley!" Kayla shrieks. "Fuck you!"

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